My life

  • Graduation

    I graduate high school
  • What I will do after high school

    After high school I will start cosmetology school at Pitt Community College
  • What I do after Cosmetology school

    After I finish cosmetology school I will get my license in cosmetology and go work at a salon for a little bit
  • What I will do after I work at a salon for a little bit

    After I work at a salon for a little bit I will save up my money from doing hair and makeup and nails and I will start my own salon and do peoples hair and stuff there and I will hire workers
  • What I will do after I start my own salon

    After I start my own salon I will work until I can retire
  • What I will do after I retire

    After I retire I will buy a old farm house with a lot of land so I can own horses and cows and goats