Prenatal and Birth Biosocial
Married parents, tumultuous relationship, physical abuse of my mother during the pregnancy, my mom was in college, and there was not a lot of money for food. Prenatal sevices were proably scant related to finances, and in an attemp to conceal being abused. My Mom tells me labor took 48 hours, then I was delivered by cecerian section due to distress. Mother gave me to Catholic social services for adoption immediately after I was born. She changed her mind and picked me up 3 days later. -
The First Two Years: Cognitive
Mother spent lots of time talking to me, she says if I could not pronounce a word, I wouldn't say it until it was perfect. Progress continues with speech and large motor skills. I attended preschool from age 6 months. -
The first Two Years: Biosocial
Sleeping in my own crib, breast fed for 6 months, mother states I was a quiet baby. Poorer socio-economic surroundings, strong attachment to mother, walking at 10 months, preschool from age 1, first words at arround 1 year, toilet training in progress by 2. -
The First Two Years: Psychosocial
My parents faught, loudly. My mother moved to Pennsylvania to be with her father and attend college there. I went with her. She had little money, but she had support, to continue school and with me. I don't know for sure, but I immagine I would have missed my father and wondered where he was. Some stability and/or trust issues may have begun at this time. -
Early Childhood Continued: Cognitive
At age 4 I was in preschool. I also had an active imagination and once I saw the movie "Annie" I fantasized about being adopted by a good dad. I can remember spanking my dolls and punishing them during play time, acting out my frustration of being abused and seeing my mother being abused. I thought that it happened to everyone. -
Early Childhood: biosocial
I was of average height and weight. My mother took me to the dentisit from a young age, which I remember really enjoying. I got my innoculations on time with a family doctor, whom I adored. He would always tell me he saw bears eating ice cream in my ears. I believed him. -
Early Childhood: Psychosocial
During years 2 through 4 my parents continued to fight violently in my presence. I have very early memories of this in a home that we moved out of when I was 4. My father became sexually abusive to me at arround age 3. My mother was unaware of the abuse that I was enduring. Visitation continued with my biological father where he continued to abuse me.The summer before I started kindergarden, my mom remarried. -
Middle Childhood: Cognitive
Reading came easily to me, math concepts were difficult. I found myself easily distracted and day dreamed in school. -
Early Childhood: Biosocial
Ages 6 through 11 we moved into a single family home in Ann Arbor, officially middle class. Home life was stable and happy, and at age 8 my brother was born. I continued to visit with my biological father; he continued to abuse me. I found keeping secrets distracting. I told my mother and charges were pressed against my father, my stepfather adopted me. I started psychotherapy to deal with the abuse. Regular doctor and dental visits, normal height and weight. -
Middle Childhood Continued: Psychosocial
I took grade school boyfriends abnormally seriously and attempted to act out in sexually inappropriate ways. I identified strongly as a girl, and focused on the importance of being pretty, and this was my most valued asset. Toward ages 9 and 10, I was close with friend at school although we would have power shifts and dramatic arguments where everyone would be mad at the same person. -
Adolescence: Cognitive
Grades became very poor, due to distractions with social life. I acted out in class. Scored high on aptitude tests, and got grades just high enough to move on. -
Highly emotional, menses starts at age 12. Breasts developed at an age 12, kids called me Dolly Parton. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed with being a teeneger, issues of abuse, and not feeling like I fit in. I did not like the added attention to my body at first, then in later adolescence it became my focus as well. -
Adolescence: Psychosocial
Trying to self identify, embarrased by my family, fighting with family, breaking all of the rules. Sexual activity at an early age. Parents with loose rules. Started smoking cigarettes and taking ilicit drugs to cope with depression and suicidal thoughts. Some close friends, but very guarded in my closeness. Boyfriends were very serious to me. -
Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial
Depression continues, and I have a stong need to move out of my house. I moved less than a mile away with a friend. I was not very physically active, worked as a waitress in a brewery in downtown Ann Arbor. I continued to use drugs and abuse alcohol. -
Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive
Went to three colleges between 1995-1998. Had no real interest in school, did not have any particular goals. -
Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial
Moved out of my first apartment and in with a boyfriend. He became physically abusive. I moved out and back in with my mother. I decided that I should move to Florida because, I thought I needed sunshine to combat my depression. -
Adulthood: Biosocial
Body continues to be in good shape. At this time, during this year, I am pregnant with my first child, a daughter. Seeking regular prenatal visits. I am also in school. In October of the previuos year I got immunizations for the LPN program that I was starting, not knowing that I was pregnant. I had a "high risk pregnancy" because of the inoculations. I have two more children in 2010, and 2011, both boys. -
Adulthood: Cognitive
At this point, I feel lie I need to get my life together. I enroll in an LPN program in Florida, after having been a nursing assistant for four years. I feel confident in my abilities. I find school to be fairly easy, and it gives me a new sense of who I am. I continue to work as an LPN to this day. -
Adulthood: Psychosocial
At this time in my life, I am able to regognize what is healthy forme, how I am feeling, rarely depressed, although overwhelmed at times. I divorced my daughter's father, and remarried a kind, loving, nurturing man. We support eachother's goals, and have similar parenting styles. My daughter calls him "Dad," and she continues to visit with her father. I am very paranoid about her safety, and we have had open communication about her body, and she know that it is hers. -
Adulthood: Cognitive
I will become a nurse practitioner in the next 5 years. I am actively working on my RN. I will enroll in the LPN to RN bridge at Schoolcraft in the fall. -
Late Adulthood: Cognitive
My mind will stay pretty sharp as my lifestyle will promote this by not becoming stagnant. I will spend lots of time helping with my grandchildren and teaching them things, which will help me retain knowledge. -
Late Adulthood: Biosocial
I plan to be active both body and mind. I will work until I can no longer drive to my workplace. Then I will volunteer in community services by car pooling with friends, and garden at home. I will be aware of the changing needs in my home and the need for fall proofing, because of my profession. -
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial
When I am in my later years I plan to wear lots of costume Jewlery, cat eye glasses, and have my face done up everyday. I plan to have dates with my husband and a Gin Rummy night with our friends. We will continue to be politically active, have mutual frienships, and support friends who are losing their spouses. We will be sure to have living wills in place so the other person know what to do in the event of an emergency. -
My health declines with a broken hip sustained while dancing. Recovery is difficult and because of impaired movement, and I develope bilateral pneumonia. There is a DNR order in place, and my family, all three generations are at my bedside. My daughter is actually lying in bed with me, as I take my last breath.