Little me

Lessons Learned Throughout My Life

  • I'm Born!

    I'm Born!
    I was born at the Cape Coral Hospital at 10:09. This is when I first learned to breathe on my own!
  • Locks of Love

    Locks of Love
    My sisters and I cut off a lot of our hair and donated it to Locks of Love. This was the first time I learned the importance of helping other people.
  • European Adventures! Part 1

    European Adventures! Part 1
    Although I was only 4 and I may not have appreciated all that I was seeing, my first trip to Europe (England, Ireland, Germany, Italy) provided me with my desire to travel and learn about different cultures.
  • Library School

    Library School
    Instead of preschool, my parents would take me to the library a few times a week. I spent a few hours reading books with a teacher and a few other "students", and eventually developed my love of reading.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    2 years of watching my sisters go to school allowed me the freedom to become my own person, and when I went, I was able to join a community that would affect my life for the next 9 years.
  • Shoot, Score!

    Shoot, Score!
    My first time joining a team and taking part in a competitive sport was my soccer team called the Highlighters. In this setting, I was able to learn the importance of practicing something, not only to better yourself, but also to better the team. I also learned the concept of sportsmanship. Although it was at a very basic level, this was the base for how I act on group work today, whether if it's in sports, school, or other things.
  • My Mom Decides to Go Back to School

    My Mom Decides to Go Back to School
    This was the day my parents came to me and my sisters, and asked what we thought of my mom going back to college. They explained all the risks and sacrifices we, as a family, and my mom would have to make, but we decided the rewards would outweigh the risks in the end. This taught me that giving up some things, in return for reaching a goal, is one of the hardest, but most rewarding things in life.
  • My First Snow Sighting!

    My First Snow Sighting!
    The first time I saw snow was on a trip to Colorado with my family. Throughout the trip, I had to adjust from a climate where the temperature was in the 70's, to a climate where the temperature was in the 30's. This taught me the importance of looking past the harshness of a situation, and finding the beauty in it.
  • 8th Grade Graduate!

    8th Grade Graduate!
    This was a turning point in my life, where I was about to transition into high school. After 9 years at the same school with the same people, I was going to get the opportunity to broaden my horizens and meet new people, even if it was at a school that isn't that big.
  • Volunteering at the Imaginarium

    Volunteering at the Imaginarium
    This was the beginning of 4 years of service at the imaginarium. I worked with kids and teachers, performing all different types of science experiments. I was able to gain experience in taking care of children, and had the opportunity to learn the importance of responsibility.
  • The Beginning of Bishop Verot (for me)

    The Beginning of Bishop Verot (for me)
    At Bishop Verot, I've had the opportunity to learn about what my values and morals could be, and apply them to my real life. I have grown so much since coming to this school, thanks to not only the teachers and staff, but also the students.
  • Who's Cruise?

    Who's Cruise?
    For my Grandparents' 50th Anniversery, they took all of their kids and grandkids on a cruise. My family is very loud and opinionated, and spending a full week together was extremely difficult. This was where I learned to balance very different, and very large personalities, a skill that I hope will be useful for the rest of my life.
  • My First College Tour

    My First College Tour
    FSU was the first college I toured, and although it was mainly a tour for my sister and her friend Erin's sake, it still had a great affect on me. It showed me the importance of doing well in school. If I wanted to go to a good school, I would have to get good grades. Thankfully, I had only just finished my freshman year, so I had time.
  • European Adventures! Part 2

    European Adventures! Part 2
    The opportunity to travel to Europe again and visit Ireland, Wales, England, and France was amazing, and I was able to see the world from a different perspective, and learn about the beauty of other cultures.After getting another taste of what the world has to offer, I now want to explore even more of it.
  • New Job at Old Navy

    New Job at Old Navy
    My first job has been a great learning experience. I've been able to learn real-life skills, like working with money and dealing with people, and meet some really great people.
  • In NYC on my Own

    In NYC on my Own
    Although I wasn't completely alone, spending a week in NYC with my sister who was barley 20 opened my eyes to what life will be like when I'm living on my own. I had to make sure I had enough money to last through the trip, I had to keep track of all of my important items, and I had to be aware of my surroundings, especially in a city like New York.