My Life

By lewisr2
  • My sister was born!

    When I was around three years old I begged my parents for a sibling. I did not enjoy being an only child and I was painfully shy so I did not have any friends from preschool. When my sister Andrea was born I was so excited and I couldn't wait for her to start talking so we could be best friends! And we have been best friends/sisters ever since.
  • Marching Band

    I joined the band at Oak Hill High School when I was in sixth grade and I started out playing the clarinet, which is a relatively small instrument. In the ninth grade my band instructor asked me to play the tuba. That was big change for me, but I said yes anyway. So every Friday night football game I marched around the field carrying a 55 pound metal instrument on my back and I couldn't have loved it more!
  • My dog

    One day out of the blue the cutest wiener dog in the world showed up on the front porch of my house. My mom never let any animals inside the house but he was so sweet she finally caved in and let him inside. We decided to keep him after no one claimed him and we gave him the best name ever: Sausage. Sausage is a total diva but we love him!
  • I graduated!

    I graduated from Oak Hill High School and it was one of the best days of my life. I was not someone who enjoyed high school, I was one of the kids who counted down the days to graduation.. starting in 6th grade. I didn't graduate with honors and I wasn't a valedictorian but I was still really proud and ready to move on.
  • Shawnee

    When I was in high school I had known for years I was going to go to Shawnee for college because its where nearly all of my family went to college. It was also relatively close to commute and the most affordable option. I'm now a sophomore and I'm still happy with my decision to come to school here.
  • My major

    I had decided to become a teacher for sure after my first semester at college. I had always been somewhat confused on what I wanted to major in but after taking my first education class with Dr.Shope I was really inspired and I knew I wanted to become a teacher. My grandpa, grandma, and nearly all of my aunts and uncles on my fathers side of the family were teachers and I am really excited to follow in their footsteps.
  • This class

    Because of my decision to become an educator I must take all of the proper classes in order to become educated and knowledgeable for my profession. I'm taking this class in order to learn about phonics so I can graduate, get my license and teach students