My Life

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    My Life

  • My parents split, and my mom moved to Phoenix

    My parents split, and my mom moved to Phoenix
    When I was a kid we lived in a house in Northern Nevada. When I got a little older, my parents split. That's when my mom moved to Phoenix, while I stayed in Northern Nevada with my Dad.
  • I moved to Phoenix for 6th grade

    I moved to Phoenix for 6th grade
    After fifth grade I decided I was going to stay with my mom for a year. I packed up and moved to Phoenix. Then I began attending A local middle school.This was the first time I had ever left Nevada!
  • I met Raquel who is now my best friend

    I met Raquel who is now my best friend
    In sixth grade I met my best friend Raquel. She was the first friend that I made in this huge city! Raquel opened my eyes to help me see myself, which helped a lot in Seventh grade.
  • I moved back to Nevada with my dad for 7th grade

    I moved back to Nevada with my dad for 7th grade
    In Seventh grade I moved back to Nevada. This was the year I finally became myself. I went through a ton of drama this year that has affected me as a person today.
  • I moved back to Phoenix for 8th grade

    I moved back to Phoenix for 8th grade
    In Eighth grade I, once again, moved back to Phoenix. This was the most important year of my life. This was the year I made someone out of myself and really prepared myself for high school.
  • I met Ms. Lindsay

    I met Ms. Lindsay
    Also, while I was in eighth grade, I met Ms. Lindsay. She has been the most influential person in my life. She was my eighth grade art teacher, and her studio is where I felt like I was home.
  • I started high school In Nevada

    I started high school In Nevada
    Then I headed back to Nevada once again. This is when I started high school. This year developed to be one of the hardest times in my lifetime so far.
  • I failed my jr. year of high school

    I failed my jr. year of high school
    One of the reasons it has been the hardest time of my life, is because I failed my entire Junior year. I really slacked off and made a lot of mistakes, that I am definitely paying for. This was one of the most regrettable times in my life.
  • My mom came and picked me up from Nevada

    My mom came and picked me up from Nevada
    And because of me making this huge mistake, my mom came and picked me up. Now I am living in Phoenix trying to get back on track. This is a really important time in my life, because I have to put my head down and make up all the classes I failed.
  • I started primavera and now im getting back on track

    I started primavera and now im getting back on track
    Now I started school at Primavera. This is A huge step in my life because I am taking responsibility for my actions. If I mess this up I really don't get another chance.