My Life

By kevcan1
  • Period: to

    My Life

    I think I will live up to 90 years of age
  • Go across the moneky bars without falling

    Go across the moneky bars without falling
    My goal when I was five years old was to go across the monkey bars without falling. This was important to me because none of my cousins could do it and I would be the best at the monkey bars in my family.
  • Complete the "Super Mario Sunshine" game

    Complete the "Super Mario Sunshine" game
    When I was 7 years old I wanted to complete "Super Mario Sunshine" because it was really hard and none of my friends and none of my cousins were able to complete the whole game.
  • Lego Death Star

    Lego Death Star
    I wanted the Lego Death Star for my birthday because it was the coolest thing ever at the time. Sadly I never got it.
  • New School

    New School
    I moved to a new school called Lincoln Hall. I wanted to male a lot of new friends because I did not want to be weird.
  • Better Grades

    Better Grades
    I want to get better grades this semester than last semester because it will make my parents and myself proud.
  • Sports for all seasons

    Sports for all seasons
    When I'm sixteen I want to be in sports for all the seasons because that looks really good and it will be a lot of fun.
  • Varsity Sport Level

    Varsity Sport Level
    When I'm a junior (17) I want to make a varsity sport because it will be a really cool experience.
  • Graduation

    When I'm 18 I want to graduate because it will be very important and my parents to be proud of me,
  • College

    When I graduate highschool I want to go to college because it is the best way to get a good job and education. This will also make my whole family proud.
  • First Car

    First Car
    When I'm 20 years old I want to get a car so I can drive to college. It is going to be a cool car like a 2011 Dodge Charger.
  • First Successful Job

    First Successful Job
    When I get out of college I want to get a decent job because I want to get an apartment so I don't have to live with my parents.
  • Responsible Adult

    Responsible Adult
    When I'm 25 I want to become a responsible young adult because that is one of the many ways to become successful. I'll buy an apartment to be responsible and pay the bills.
  • First Promotion

    First Promotion
    When I turn 27 years old I hope I can get a promotion so I can get more money and become more successful.
  • Marriage

    I want to get married when I'm 32 because who wants to be lonley for the rest of their life? I want to be with someone.
  • Kids

    When I'm 35 I want to have my first child because I want to start a family.
  • Raising the Kid

    Raising the Kid
    When I'm 40 years old I will raise my child right so he/she isn't a bad kid and makes right decisions,
  • Vacation to Disney

    Vacation to Disney
    When I'm 45 I want to take a vacation to Disney because of my family. I want my kids to have fun in Disney.
  • Party Time!!!!

    Party Time!!!!
    When I turn 50 years old I am going to throw a big party because I am officially middle aged.
  • Brand New Car

    Brand New Car
    When I reach the old age of 60 I am going to buy myself a new not so expensive car because I will probably be able to afford it,
  • Retirement

    The month right after my 65th birthday I will retire from my current job because I will be too old to function.
  • Another Huge Party

    Another Huge Party
    When I'm 65 and retired I am going to throw a huge retirement party because what's a retirement without a party?
  • Dream Car

    Dream Car
    When I am 70 years old I am going to buy myself my ultimate dream car because I will be able to afford it. The Aston Martin Vanquish.
  • Best Vacation

    Best Vacation
    When I am 70 years old I am going to take a vacaton with my wife to the Bahamas because we can have fun and relax.
  • Family

    When I'm 90 I want to spend time with my family because I want to spend my last days with my family.