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  • Period: to


  • Leaving the country

    Leaving the country
    I had never left the country and I wasn't planning on it. My parents told me I had to go visit my Grandparents in Guatemala but they were too busy with work to go so I would go with my brother instead. Just the thought of flying made me sick but I had to go. I had butterflies in my stomach the whole ride to the airport, I had so much fear of heights and I couldn't stop thinking that something would go wrong. The flight went quickly as I fell asleep and went to a new country.
  • Justin's Workouts

    Justin's Workouts
    I came to school completely unprepared for what was to come after school when hell week began. I emptied out my school bag and filled it with 30 pounds of rocks. I made it through hell week but during the weekend we had homework to complete to make the program. It consisted of recording yourself doing workouts such as 500 push ups and taking a picture of yourself at the top of BreakNeck Ridge. I was the only freshman to pass hell week. A year later I passed it again and we grew as a family.
  • Finding and adopting my cat

    Finding and adopting my cat
    My friend dan and I were walking home from the park when we turn around and see a kitten following us in the middle of the road. After about an hour we didn't know what to do, it seemed like she was alone and we didn't want her to get run over by a car. Dan's dog would have gone crazy over the kitten so he couldn't bring her home. My only option was to bring her to my home, my older dog Lucky accepted her quickly and now they do everything together. My family was surprised we even had a cat.
  • First Free kick goal

    First Free kick goal
    This season I was Captain and it meant everything to me. It was a few games into the season when we played carmel at their home field. It was a cold night but I tried to not let it distract me. We were fouled and I took the free kick from the 30 yard mark. It looked far but then I looked at my teammates on the bench and they encouraged me to go for it. As I kicked the ball everything seemed to be perfect, I looked up and it went top left corner. I was shook but celebrated like never before.
  • Aidan joining step team

    Aidan joining step team
    Every senior who does Justin's Workouts has the option of making his wall of fame, but it comes at a cost. The price was normally some sort of an embarrassing challenge. My best friend Aidan Elsroth's challenge was to join step team and perform. It was both funny and embarrassing, I was at all his performance recording him while he busted out his sick moves during half time and made the crowd laugh. This performance he had to wear reindeer antlers which made it extra funny.
  • My first loss

    My first loss
    I've been at this sport for about 8 years now and hadn't started fighting officially until about 5 years ago. I had to miss a few years for soccer but I always tried to be dedicated when it came down to it. I had a few other wins before this but I took it on short notice not expecting it to be too hard. I didn't run as much as other fights which slowed me down a lot. On fight night I thought I had done what was necessary to win it but I lost, I was broken and couldn't believe what had happened.
  • Oscar passing away.

    Oscar passing away.
    Oscar was a nice and determined kid, he worked hard at everything from work to sports and school. We had grown close over the years playing soccer together starting on modified, jv, and then varsity. After long summer practices we would go up to the deli and have lunch. That night we had a game against dover, we won and everyone was happy but Oscar wasn't, he didn't have enough practices so he couldn't play that game. When I heard what happened that same night, my heart felt broken.
  • Making sectionals

    Making sectionals
    We went through so much this season, ups and down but we kept on going. From losing a teammate to losing to the worst ranked teams in the league but also beating teams that haven't been beat by Brewster until this season. Although we had many obstacles, we overcame them and made history, beating Somers and Mahopac for the first time in Brewster History and going on to win the first Sectional game. We lost the second game and it was heartbreaking but we had a great run that won't be forgotten.
  • Volleyball Tournament

    Volleyball Tournament
    During gym class we would play volleyball and beat every other team in our class. We were hoping we were good enough to win the whole tournament. We missed class to go beat the other team. The first team we played we beat easily, we got too confident and thought we could win it all. A few periods later we had to come back and play again to make it a step further in the bracket. This team gave us a challenge, we barely lost and we were all left distraught after the game.
  • Sprained Ankle sets me back

    Sprained Ankle sets me back
    I was playing indoor soccer when I slipped and felt my ankle twist. As soon as it happened I knew something was wrong, it was a sharp pain so I sat out of the game. I waited a few weeks to tell my mom because I didn't wanna scare her, or myself if it was anything other than a sprained ankle. I hoped it was only that and I didn't tell anyone until I realized it wasn't getting better. We went to the doctors about a month later and I was was right but I still couldn't do anything for a while.