My Life

By Isidore
  • I was born

    On this day I was born
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • First words

    My first words were Mommy
  • Started walking

    On this day I started walking
  • First time taking plane

    My first time taking a plane to malaysia.
  • First day of school

    This was my first time going to school.
  • Get over fear of drowning in pool

    i drowned when i was young so i was scared of swimming
  • Touched a golf club

    On this day I touched a golf club and started playing golf
  • My first golf tournament

    On this day I played my first ever golf tournment.
  • First ever golf trophy

    On the day I played my first ever golf tourment I played really bad but still came 3rd somehow.
  • First time seeing snow

    On this day I went to Italy and saw snow.
  • Join HKGA

    I Joined HKGA because of the Talent Identification Day.