my life

  • i was born

    my mom gave birth to me
  • kindergarden teacher read a book that scared me for life

    it was a book about monsters under the bed
  • parents devorced

    it was terrible
  • i fell of a bridge on a bicycle

    i was rideing with my cousin and fell off the bridge
  • i ride a moped

    it was super fun.
  • i caught a snake

    it was an eastern hog nose snake. i caught it with 2 sticks. but then my mom gave it away. to a stranger
  • my dog died

    my dog died she was 13. she was a german sheperd and she killed some goats so my evil aunt killed her dead. it was a sad time
  • i saw peter dinklage riding a scooter

    it was hilarious
  • my cat died

    her name was leia and she was snake-bit and died but before that the evil aunt put dog medicine on her and that was scary.
  • i got a new cat

    his name is link he is white with orange ears. he is really nice. i like hi alot