My Life

  • First Dance Class

    My first dance class was an important event in my early life because if I had never taken it, I wouldn't be a dancer today.
  • Moving Dance Studios

    Moving Dance Studios
    I moved dance studios in third grade. If I had not done this, I would never have met some of my best friends and I wouldn't be a dancer because my old studio shut down.
  • Freshmen Year

    High school has made me mature a lot and change who I am today. I have learned lots of valuable lessons from teachers and experiences throughout not just Freshmen year but all of High School so far.
  • Making Dance Team

    Making Dance Team
    Joining Dance Team my freshmen year was one of the best things I could've done. It has taught me a lot of life lessons and gave me a lot of friends.
  • Surgery

    Getting Hip surgery really changed my perspective on life and what I would like to do with my future. If I hadn't gotten this surgery my life would be completely different.
  • Get into UNL Physical Therapy program with scholarship

    Get into UNL Physical Therapy program with scholarship
    I hope to go to University of Nebraska-Lincoln because they have an amazing physical therapy program.
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    I hope to graduate college with a major in PT and a minor in business so one day I can open my own PT clinic for young athletes.
  • Get into PT school and Graduate

    To be a good PT you also have to attend 3 years of PT school.
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    I would like to get married around the age of 27.
  • Open my own PT Clinic

    After gaining experience and working with other PTs I would like to open my own clinic.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My future seems very fixed. I am very set on wanting to be a PT and opening my own clinic to help young athletes. The only thing that is flexible is what college I attend. There are lots of colleges that offer PT programs and I am still looking at them. At the moment UNL is my favorite, but that could change.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    It tells me that dance has been a big part of my life. It has influenced my life a lot, not just my early life, but also my future. Becoming a PT has a lot to do with having surgery but it also has to do with being a dancer. I have seen lots of young dancers and athletes get injured and not be able to continue doing what they want to do. Since I've seen this happen, I want to be able to help kids like this in my future. Dance has been a big influence on my past, present and future.
  • How different would your life be if you changed 1 or 2 events on your timeline?

    If I had never taken my first dance class, I wouldn't be a dancer. Dance has influenced my life a lot and shaped me into the person I am today. Also if I had never gotten my surgery, I would've had a very different future. I would've had to get a hip replacement by the time I was 25 and I wouldn't want to become a PT. This surgery has influenced my future a lot and opened up a lot of opportunities not just for my health, but also for what I want to do with my life.