
My life

  • my birth

    my birth
    the date i was born.
  • when I met my first friend xander

    He has been my friend for around 10 years
  • going to preschool

    First day of School
  • first time using a mod

    I always wanted to use the minecraft mod called the titans mod.
  • getting a computer

    I always wanted a computer so i could code.
  • me getting my cat.

    The day I got my only cat whiskey.
  • first time riding my current favorite coaster

    the monster from adventureland.
  • creating first minecraft mod

    I was trying to create a mod that would be able to damage people in creative.
  • first day of online school

    Online school was kinda boring.
  • going to middle school.

  • getting a server

    This server allows me to create virtual machines.