My Life

  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
  • Preschool

    I went to preschool in the year 2006.
  • Kindergarten

    I began the 2007-2008 Kindergarten year.
  • Moved to Tennessee

    Moved to Tennessee
    I moved form Kansas to Tennessee in order to be closer to family.
  • First grade

    First grade
    I began first grade in Benton, Tennessee.
  • Moved back to Kansas

    Moved back to Kansas
    I moved back to Kansas from Tennessee.
  • Second grade

    Second grade
    I began second grade at Allen.
  • Learned to ride a bike

    Learned to ride a bike
    I learned to ride a bike... I ended up crashing it the smae day and I still have the scars on my knees from it.
  • Third grade

    Third grade
    I began first grade at Hutchinson Magnet School at Allen.
  • swimming

    I joined the swim team.
  • Period: to


    I was a swimmer on the YMCA team.
  • Fourth grade

    Fourth grade
    I began fourth grade in 2011.
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    I was bullied from the beginning of fourth grade to around the end of sixth grade.
  • fifth grade

    fifth grade
    I began fifth grade.
  • sixth grade.

    sixth grade.
    I began sixth grade.
  • seventh grade

    seventh grade
    I began seventh grade.
  • Period: to


    I am on the eighth grade cheer squad.
  • eighth grade

    eighth grade