• LIFE

    I was born, earlier than expected
  • Gilles was born

    Gill-es was born (soft g) Gilles (silent s) {his current age is 9} [yes the whole world celebrates his birthday]
  • I swallowed a quarter

    The title says it all
  • I shall take over the whole world

    Something random that my mom filmed
  • Moved houses

    I moved to where I currently live today
  • I jumped out a Window

    I wanted to play outside but My mom said no.
  • Malcolm born

    Another brother UGH
  • I swallowed a penny

    I think I was like 11 when this happened
  • D&D

    This was the D&D campaign that got me hooked
  • A week in Dubuque.

    I spent a week in Dubuque at a string camp at a university. and on Sunday, we all had a concert at the end of which my mom fainted(She's ok)
  • Present

    We are now in the present year