My Life

  • I was born!

    I was born in Honolulu,HI. I was in breech position, meaning my feet and buttocks would have came out first which is very dangerous because it could cause insufficient oxygen and brain damage towards the baby and because of that they had to try and turn me around so that I could come out head first but they failed to turn me successfully therefore my mother had to go through a cesarean delivery. I came out a healthy baby (Sec 3.1)
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    Breast Feeding

    I was breast fed from birth till maybe 3 months. My mother loved the benefits that breast feeding does for the babies such as having better health as a child and adult, helps with cognitive development and disease prevention therefore she breast fed me as long as she could. She had planned to breast feed me the whole time but when she went back to work after 3 months it was quite hard for her to keep up so I was given formula as replacement. (Sec. 3.5)
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    Sleep Change

    I was told from when I was born till around 6 months my mother noticed a big sleep schedule change. She said I would sleep all the time no matter where I'm at or whats happening around me, It was also very easy to get me to sleep. But when I reached around 6 months of age, I started wanting to stay up longer and being more active. (Sec. 4.1)
  • First Words

    My first word was my older sisters nickname. My mother told me that from before I was born till the day I said my first word my older sister would always repeat her nickname to me, "Erra". I was about 11months maybe just turning 12 months when I said her name. I was constantly hearing her name when growing up so it would have been hard for me to have learned a different word to say. I mainly was talked to in English and only sometimes but rarely was told some basic Hawaiian vocabulary. (Sec.4.6)
  • First time I swore

    I was around 20 months and I said my first swear word. My mother said that it was during a party and my uncle's holding me and he said the word "Shit", not too long after I said it too. My mom said she talked to me and said NO! but she then reminded everyone that they all need to watch what they say and do around me. (Sec. 5.3)
  • First step

    I was around 12 months old when I took my first step and started to walk without anything for support. (Sec.5.1)
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    Toilet Training

    I started being toilet trained at around 15 months of age but I wasn't considered trained till around 23 months. The way I was trained during the beginning stages of learning, every time I was home they would put a panty on me so that if I made an accident id know I was wrong and slowly learn what to do. But as soon as I started learning my parents would do the same thing when we'd go out to places so I knew I had to use the toilet all the time. (Sec. 5.2)
  • Tantrum

    At around 2 years old my mother said I was all in all a decent and easy kid, although I would always throw a tantrum when I was hungry or when I wanted something specific to eat and didn't get it. (Sec. 5.5)
  • First dentist appointment

    At the age of 3 I had my first dentist appointment and I was extremely scared having bunch of stuff going into my mouth. But from the first time I went to the dentist till today I am apart of the 60% of people who doesn't have cavities. (Sec. 6.1)
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    From ages 3-5 I attended Kamehameha preschool. My mother said that before going to preschool, I was never comfortable meeting new people and always wanted to be with my parents or family members. But when going to preschool, my mother said I became more independent and socially confident. (Sec.6.5)
  • Having effortful control

    One day in second grade I got very upset because my teacher said whoever reads million words by the end of the quarter can go on a field trip with another class to go on a submarine. I got upset because my teacher said that I didn't reach the count but me and my sister read the same books so that we could make sure we both make it and she got to go on the field trip but not me. Being that I was upset my older cousin took me out somewhere to distracting me with another activity. (Sec. 6.7)
  • First broken bone

    The first time I broke a bone and it was my hand and wrist. I was riding a skateboard down a hill and it was my luck to go over a rock, after hitting the rock the skateboard jerked and flew me forward. My natural instinct allowed me to catch myself when I fell but being that I was going downhill fast it caused me to fall too hard and I broke my bone. I was crying so bad, it was one of the worst pains I ever felt. (Sec. 7.2)
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    From around 5th to 8th grade I was considered obese for my age and height. I believe I started to become obese because I took a break in sports and was eating fast food more frequently. It wasn't until high school when I got into sports again and changed my diet I lost weight and became healthier.(Sec.7.2)
  • First pimple

    I was in the 7th grade when I got my first pimple and to make it worst it was the same day we had a dance. I remember waking up with it and it was right on my forehead. It was big and red and I felt like everyone was staring at it whether I'm talking to them or simply walking past. (Sec. 8.3)
  • First time I had high hopes and got let down

    It was during my 8th grade year when I had the dream of going to college and playing basketball but I got let down with the reality of how competitive and how hard it is just to go to college in general. That was my personal fable. (Sec. 8.3)
  • Met my best friend

    It wasn't until my sophomore year in high school that I found my first true best friend, Alai. We had the same class together and grew closer as friends as each day passed and 5 years later he's still my best friend but also my other half. (Sec. 7.7)
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    I am still in college now and am attending Leeward Community College to get my prerequisites done and now will be attending the University of Hawaii at Hilo to attain my BA by 2021. (Sec. 9.5)
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    Transition to work

    My first job was at my high school, I worked in our media program and was a videographer for the school, I then worked at Dj's jerky as a food production operator, lastly I worked at ma'o organic farms as a farmer. (Sec.9.5)