Me born

My Life

  • My Birth Day

    My Birth Day
    On February 26, 2000 I was finally born after being three days late.
    My Mom says the night I was born, it snowed heavily. My parents arrived at Long Island Jewish Hospital on Long Island at 5:00 pm and I wasn't born until 11:45 pm. I was eight pounds & seven ounces and 21 inches long. I had lots of dark hair and tiny feet and hands. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days and all of my relatives came to visit me for the first time including my older sister Ariana and older cousin Matthew.
  • My New Brother - Angelo

    My New Brother - Angelo
    On September 2nd, 2005, my baby brother was born. I remember it like it were yesterday. My dad rushed my sister and I to my grandparents so he could take mom to the hospital. We waited what seemed like forever until my grandparents received a call that we had a new baby brother. I was relieved because at the time I did not want another sister! The next day my sister and I went with my grandparents to see my brother for the first time. He was a huge bald, baby with big, round, rosy cheeks.
  • My New House/Neighborhood

    My New House/Neighborhood
    On September 5, 2005 many things changed for my family and I. It was the first day we moved into our new house and Brewster. I also started my first day of school at my new school - JFK. I had many friends on my new block who also went to my school. Even though I hated the idea of moving away from my old friends and school in long island, slowly I began to make new friends and started to like JFK. Most importantly, my new baby brother was born two days prior. So many changes were taking place
  • My First Ski Trip

    My First Ski Trip
    When I was 6 years old, my aunt, uncle and older cousin took me skiing for the very first time. I remember driving with them far into Connecticut and seeing this beautiful ski lodge up in the mountains covered with tons of snow. I thought, I am never going to be able to do this. They took me on the bunny slope and to my amazement and everyone else my fears vanished and I listened to the instructor and made my first trip down the slope. I fell the first few times, but that was part of the fun!
  • My Ancestry

    My Ancestry
    In 2007, my family took a trip to my grandfather's hometown of Soverato, Italy. This is a little beach town located in Calabria. We stayed at my grandparent's house located on the beach. Every night we would eat with family members I met for the very first time who lived in Calabria. It was so interesting and fun to meet some of my cousins for the first time who did not even speak English. We also took a tour to Rome and saw many beautiful sights including the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.
  • Adoption

    In March, 2014, my parents gave in and let me and my siblings rescue another dog. This time we went to Manhattan to the ASPCA and found a tiny, black Scottish Terrier who was just found in the street. She was so scared and thin and they employees named her China. When they first brought her into the room to meet us, she was very shy and timid. We brought her home and she slept for days. Then after about a week she was running and playing and acting like she had lived in my house for years!
  • My First Real Job - Staples

    My First Real Job - Staples
    Once I turned 17, I decided it was time to get a job. Staples in Danbury hired me as a sales associate. I found the job at first tedious and boring but over time my boss saw something in me. He decided to see how I would do as a certified technician. Helping others who had technological issues with computers, phones etc. I'm happy to say I did very well and I am one of the highest selling techs in the department. Customers tell me I am polite and patient, but I believe that is part of the job.
  • My College Visit - St. John's University

    My College Visit - St. John's University
    My sister Ariana is a college student at St. John's University. She invited me to stay over one long weekend. She took me around campus while there were many activities going on. I met her new friends and saw her dorm. We ate in one of the many cafeterias where we had sushi. She also took me around the neighborhood of Queens where St. John's is located. Ariana showed me all the popular places where the kids hangout, shops to shop in and various restaurants of all backgrounds to eat.
  • Passing My Roadtest!

    Passing My Roadtest!
    The day I turned 16, I went for my driver's permit and passed. From that day on, my parents took turns letting me drive around the area and taught me how to park and drive on the highway. I was worried I wouldn't pass my road test since I never took driver's ed. The day of the test, I was petrified and made myself sick. The instructor was nice and told me to take a deep breath before I started. We drove for about 3 minutes but it seemed like hours. In the end I passed and was so proud!
  • My Trip to Montego Bay - Jamaica

    My Trip to Montego Bay - Jamaica
    In August 2017 my parents surprised me and my siblings with a family trip to Jamaica. From the time we arrived, I knew I was going to love it there. The people were so warm and welcoming and the island was breath taking. We climbed to the top of Dunn's River Falls. We took a night time cruise to the Luminous Lagoon where we jumped into warm water that glowed different colors each time we moved in the water. The Jamaican food was tasty yet very spicy. We met people from all different places.