My Life

  • Birth

    I was born to this world on the 20th of jauary 2004. I was born too
    late that my Mum diden't get to watch her favrote TV show (at the time).
  • First Ghan passenger train went from Adilade to Darwin

    First Ghan passenger train went from Adilade to Darwin
  • Bushfiers

  • Moved to Brisbane

    Moved to Brisbane
    Mum decided that we should go to family. So we moved to brisbane my Dad (Rob) Ran away to who knows were?
  • First Day of school

    I started school at Virginia state school and met my best friend Baydon

    The deadlest bushfier in Australia history. Killing 173 and injoring 500+ more.
  • Tazzie!

    LINKI moved away fro Brisbane to a new, greater and rural place.
  • Hutchins!

    We left the lovely little school of woodridge to a GRAND school called Hutchins!
  • Wedding.

    My Mum had a hapy wedding with our new dad Damian I got to have a speach and it was the best by far (Sutle Brag)
  • Period: to


    We went up to BKK to spend family time with dad!
  • Period: to


    We travelid up to BKK for a year so we could spend family time with Dad.
  • First Day of middle school

    First Day of middle school
    The first day was a great intro for the year!