4 up on 05 10 2020 at 19.24 #6

My Life

  • Birth (c o o l)

    I was born on January 8th 2009 at 11pm In Kingsmill Hospital
  • Dumb Story

    Thanks to my mum she told me that when i was 2 there was a hot pot of soup and it tipped all over my head and i started crying I had a lot of burns but I survived : )
  • My Brother was born

    My Brother was born
    My brother was born In feb 1st he was quite a annoying kid but He is quite funny btw he is the one next to me on the right i dont have a baby photo of him so yeah
  • N U R S E R Y

    I started nursery in sept 16 I was very rude I kicked the teacher once cuz I did not get a toy and yeah I showed off a picture of me with sunglasses in Nursery! we had so much fun
  • Period: to


    so I went to Paris in 2013 and It was fun except the food was all haram we actually went to disney land IT WAS THE BEST THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD
    and then I dropped my jumper from the eiffell tower so yeah
  • Turkey

    So we went to Turkey in 2015 we went to Istanbul

    my sister was born December 19 2014
  • D B G S

    I joined DBGS in year 4 so epic isn't it

    This Year I went into senior school and just like Maccie D's Im Loving It