My life

By 5RyanM
  • Birth

    I was born on May 3rd, 2001, in Woodwinds Hospital in Woodbury. ( some dates couldn't be exactly remembered so they were approximated.)
  • First Words

    I learned to speak for the first time in 2002.
  • India

    I traveled to India for the first time and visited my grandparents in 2003.
  • Brother

    I gained a little brother named Quintin on Dec. 7, 2004 (major)
  • Moving

    In 2005 i moved from my house in Woodbury to Hudson where I currently live.
  • School

    I started my first day of elementry school at E.P. Rock Elementary.
  • Mom, I mean teacher!

    In 1st grade I called my teacher mom. (^_^ )
  • River Crest

    I switched schools to River Crest Elementary but returned to E.P. Elementary the next year.
  • Boychior

    I joined the MN Boychior in 2008 and, I am currently in my 6th year as a member. (Major)
  • "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat"

    In 4th grade I did a production with the Ordway called "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat". It was a great expierience.
  • SD

    We traveled to South Dekota to visit my uncle John and stayed several nights
  • Middle School

    2012 marked all of our first year of Middle School. (Major)
  • House-mates

    My 28 year old sister, Angela, and 4 year old nephew, Sam, moved in with us.
  • GrandCali Team

    1. Trip to Califrnia for one week in March 2.My Grandma Passed away in June
    2. I joined the Mountain Biking team in July