My life

By crislc8
  • My born

    My born
    I was born the 15th June of 2002 in St Cugat del Vallès.
  • When I moved

    When I moved
    I moved from St Cugat to St Quirze when I was 2 years old, at the summer.
  • My parents' divorce

    My parents' divorce
    My parents divorced when I was 3 years old, I can't remember a lot of this time, but I know I lived with my mother in St Quirze for a while and then I started seeing my father again, he was living in Barcelona so we couldn't see him a lot. But when I was 7 my father moved to St Quirze because he wanted to see us more often. And since that day to now I see my father 1 week and my mother 1 week as well.
  • My first best friend

    My first best friend
    I met my best friend Mario at 1st year of primary school. We still being best friends. He is one of the most important persons in my life.
  • My first video game console

    My first video game console
    My first video game console was a Nintendo. It was very important to me because I used it to distance myself from my family problems. I got it when I was 5 years old.
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    We adopted him when I was 7 years old. I love animals and for me it's like a brother. Usually, to clear my mind I go for a walk with my dog 1 or 2 hours.
  • When I started listening rap music

    When I started listening rap music
    That's a very important event in my life. I started listening rap, and that music helped me a lot to relax and disconnect from problems. It causes me a lot of feelings. Nowadays music it's very important for me.
  • First magic show I saw

    First magic show I saw
    I was 9 when I saw the first magic show. It was amazing and I have a very good remember about that show, it's very important to me because it's when I became interested in magic.
  • When I started magic lessons

    When I started magic lessons
    I started learning magic with profesional magicians in Barcelona, I did 1 year of close-up magic, and an other year of stage magic. It's a very important event for me because it's when I started practicing a lot and doing a lot of magic tricks.