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My Life

  • I was born

  • The invasion of Iraq

  • Dolly the sheep was cloned

  • Suicide bombers in London kill 56 people, injure 700 others

  • Turned 1

  • The first recorded hurricane in the South Atlantic

  • YouTube is launched

  • Turned 2

  • Suicide bombers in London kill 56 people, injure 700 others

  • YouTube is launched

  • Turned 3

  • Pluto is demoted to "dwarf planet" status

  • Twitter is launched

  • Turned 4

  • Amazon releases the Kindle

  • Arctic sea ice hits a record low

  • Turned 5/ Started kindergarten

  • Beijing hosts the Olympic games

  • Scientists extract images directly from the brain

  • Turned 6

  • Barack Obama is sworn in as 44th president of the USA

  • 3D scanning enters the consumer market

  • Turned 7

  • The longest solar eclipse of the 3rd millennium occurs

  • The first demonstration of solar-sail technology

  • Turned 8/ strated volleyball

  • South Sudan becomes an independent nation

  • The Space Shuttle fleet is retired

  • Turned 9

  • London hosts the Olympic Games

  • Windows 8 is released

  • Turned 10

  • A meteor explodes over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk

  • Launch of the PS4 and Xbox One

  • Turned 11/ stared club/ started Middle school

  • The first gay marriages are held in England and Wales

  • Laser guns are in naval use

  • Turned 12

  • The Juno probe arrives at Jupiter

  • Windows 10 is released by Microsoft

  • Turned 13

  • Completion of the Panama Canal expansion project

  • The first self-regulating artificial heart