• my mom and I

    my mom and I
    She is my mom, she gave me my life. I really love her because she always helps me to take the hardest decisions. My mom is the woman I love the most, she gave me the life, and she is no more that my mom.
  • my dad and I

    my dad and I
    This was the first time my dad saw me, and he was so happy to knew that he had a beautiful baby. My dad is a very special person for me, he is no more than my super heroe
  • my aunt and me

    my aunt and me
    In this picture my aunt is carrying me because she was happy to meet me, and it was the first time she saw me. I remember she went to live to Thailand and she brought me a little stuff animal baby elephant.
  • my grandpa and me

    my grandpa and me
    He is my grandpa, he is my mom's dad. He is almost always angry at everybody but although I love him. He is a traditional grandpa and dad like they used to be, he always gives me what I need and always is aware of my healthness.
  • my grandma and me

    my grandma and me
    She is my grandma, my mom's mother. I love her too much also, but sometimes I don't like to be with her because she always wants me to cook with her, and I like to cook but not al the time. She is so nice, and she makes people feel so special to her.
  • my grandpa and me

    my grandpa and me
    He was my grandpa, he was my dad's father. He died 8 years ago, but we had a lot of memories together. My grandpa was a difficult to treat man, but although he was difficult to treat he loved me an dI loved him, today his departure still hearts me no a days.
  • my grandma and me

    my grandma and me
    She is my grandma, she is my dad's mother. I love her too much because she is always kind to me and always cares about me. She is a really nice lady, she is so nice and is really difficult to hate her.
  • my cousing and me

    my cousing and me
    He is my favorite cousing, he always cares about me and makes me feel happy when I feel bad or sad. He is my other brother, I really care about him.
  • my first toys

    my first toys
    This have been my favorite toys since I was born, this toys were a gift from my dad. No a days I steel have this toys and I love them, I can´t go to sleep anywhere without my toys.
  • my siblings

    my siblings
    I have two siblings, my brother, and my sister. My brother is 10 years old, and my sister is 4 years old. I am sick of being their nanny, and it sounds funny but is not as funny as you espect.
  • mt favorite lollipop

    mt favorite lollipop
    My favorite lollipop since I was 2 years old is tutsipop, I really love this lollipop, it's kind of cherry flavor and the chewing gum in the center.
  • Period: to

    My kinder garden years

  • my favorite christmas

    This was my favorite christmas because I was with all my family, and we really enjoyed being together. I really enjoy being with all my family, because my family is so nice and I really have fun with them
  • my best friend since preschool

    my best friend since preschool
    She has been my best friend since preschool, she always is there for me, and always makes me laugh when I'm angry or sad. She always is with me when I have a thought or when I don`t know what to do in somehting.
  • my trip to Europe

    my trip to Europe
    This was my trip to Europe, I traveled when I was in 5th grade. This was my favorite trip up to now. I am traveling again this year, so I think I am going to enjoy more this trip.
  • my best friend since 7th grade

    my best friend since 7th grade
    She has been by best friend since 7th grade, I really love her. When I'm with her I feel like I know her since we were little kids. She is a really good friend.