My life

  • Date of birth

    This is the day i was born at 2:34 am. If i wasn't born then i wouldn't be in this class and everyone i knows life would be different some might be dead and others might still be alive.
  • First day of school

    This was my first day at school, i started it a year earlier than most kids because i was born late in the year
  • The day my grandfather died

    This is the most important day in my life. He was my best friend and my protector. Every year on his death day I stay home from school and cry in his memory.
  • The day I met my best friend

    Without her I’d be dead because she helped me through a very tough time in my life and I love her for it. We met in our grade 9 math class, I normally sat alone but one day she sat next to me and started talking to me and it changed my life.
  • The day my boyfriend asked me out

    He makes me happy and feel loved and cared for and like I belong. This was the happiest day of my life.
  • Graduation day!!

    This is the day I plan on graduating from high school and move on to college.
  • Graduation part 2

    This will be the day i hope to graduation from Mohawk college in the social worker program
  • The day I get married

    This is the day I want to get married to my boyfriend, I hope to wear a black dress and he will have no say in it.
  • The day i give birth

    This is the day i want to give birth and because of my genetics i have a high chance of having twins (which is what i want)
  • The day i die