My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on this date.
  • Birth

    I was born on this date.
  • Open-Minded

  • First day of Elementary

    First day of Elementary
    My first day in the Beaufort County school system that will guide me through the rest of my childhood
  • Reflective

  • First basketball game

    First basketball game
    First time I played a organized game of basketball.
  • Self-Reliance

  • Perfect Score on PASS Test

    Perfect Score on PASS Test
    I received a perfect score on the standardized Math test in the fourth grade that set up the high expectations I receive from my mom for all subjects not just math.
  • Communicator

  • Ravens Win Superbowl

    Ravens Win Superbowl
    This is the only time a favorite team has won a championship in my lifetime
  • Risk-Taker

  • Purchased Xbox One

    Purchased Xbox One
    Purchased my xbox one that will be used in the future on many occasions.
  • Principled

  • First Day of High school

    First Day of High school
    On this date I began my journey through high school
  • Caring

  • Moved to new house

    Moved to new house
    I moved to my house in Hilton Head Plantation
  • Thinker

  • First Car

    First Car
    I was given a 2008 Chevy Malibu for my first car.
  • Knowledgable

  • Rec League championship

    I won the rec league championship as the 1 seed following a 8-1 regular season and two playoff wins.
  • Rec League championship

    Rec League championship
    I won the 2018 rec high school league championship as the one seed following an 8-1 regular season and two playoff wins.
  • Inquirier