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My Life

  • First Time to Montenegro

    First Time to Montenegro
    I am not one travel, especially overseas. I just never seem to it. Even the first year that I travelled to Montenegro, the country where my parents were born, was not a trip I enjoyed. The time zone was 6 hours ahead, which took time to adjust to, the language barrier prevented me from speaking to many people and the food was very different. Because of this, I feel as if I can not travel and enjoy my time, no matter where I go overseas.
  • Concussion

    While playing basketball in middle school, the ball struck me in the side of the head with great force. At first I thought nothing of it, but later on I was feeling different. My head was hurting greatly, my body seemed tired and my balance was very off to a point where I found it hard to even stand. I left school early that day and when I was home I was given a paper to fill out by the nurse. After filling out the paper, we found that the I received a grade 2 concussion.
  • Allergic to Fruit

    Allergic to Fruit
    I had always enjoyed the taste of fruit and how healthy it was. But every time I would have any, my mouth and throat would itch. For a while, it was very little, and half the time I wouldn’t even notice. However, as the years went on, the itching only got worse, to a point where it was hard for me to eat fruit. One day we decided to visit a doctor to see what the issue may have been. My family and I were greatly upset when the doctor came back with the results. “Yeah, he’s allergic to fruit.”
  • Allergic to Dogs

    Allergic to Dogs
    Dogs have always seemed to put a smile on my face. Unfortunately, I’ve never owned one. Because of where we lived, my family and I wouldn’t be able to take care of the dog. My cousins had a dog and I'd play with every time I visit. After a while, we noticed that my skin would turn red and itchy and my eyes would water after I left their house. We suspected what the cause would be, but we wanted a doctors word to be certain. If we were right, I would never own a dog. Unfortunately, we were.
  • First Time in Florida

    First Time in Florida
    Though I am not one to travel, for some reason I enjoy visiting Florida. Even my first time there was a great experience. We spent the two weeks in my grandfathers apartment which has a pool, game room, and is next to the beach. I was even able to visit jungle island and do a lot of shopping, something I greatly enjoy doing. Being able to go with family makes my trip there that much more enjoyable. To me, Florida is not just vacation, it’s a moment for me to escape my troubles and enjoy life.
  • Writing A ook

    Writing A ook
    Being interested in film, I decided to write my own book titled, Endurance. Though I am not finished with it just yet, I am writing more and more and coming closer to the end. I was thrilled when I asked my english teacher to read over what I have as I go along and revise what I’ve written. He’s pointed out tips and suggestions that have helped me expand as a writer. I am grateful to have a great teacher like him to be the first to read my book and I hope to get it published one day.
  • Moving to Brewster

    Moving to Brewster
    When I was 15 years old, my family and I finally moved out of Millbrook and found a home in Brewster. Here, my life changed for the better. I was finally out of the school that I disliked so much and was ready to start over, to meet new people and make new friends. My personality seemed to change as well. Before coming here, I was quite cynical and rarely happy. Now, I am often in a positive mood and am always eager to meet more people and make new friends.
  • The Time I Hurt My Knee

    The Time I Hurt My Knee
    Not long after moving to Brewster, I struck my knee on the family room table. There was minor pain and I believed I bruised it. However, bruises don’t last for weeks as this pain did and the pain increased to a point where I walked with a limp. After months of pain that never went down, it was time I visit the hospital. I received an x-ray and was told both good and bad news. The bone was not broken, but I damaged the muscle to a point where to this day, my knee feels weaker than the other.
  • Discovering My Interest In Film

    Discovering My Interest In Film
    My first year in Brewster was the year I found my interest in film and production. Ever since I was little I always watched movies and have been told I have the mind of a director and producer. I joined a Digital Video Production class and learned even more about filming process. I learned to appreciate movies in how they are made and what work is put in to making them, through a director and producers eyes. After finding this interest, I believe I found what I'd like to major in for college.
  • Joining UFC

    Joining UFC
    I grew up not being too interested in sports. They just never seemed to interest me. However, when I became a member of the UFC Gym, I was eager to learn kickboxing and take part in a sport I know I would enjoy. I go three days a week and am there for an hour a day. I was able to learn so much and progress very quickly, my trainer has even stated that once I become 18, I can become a real fighter. Hearing this makes me feel proud that I was able to find a sport I enjoy.
  • Meeting My Best Friend

    Meeting My Best Friend
    The day I met my best friend is a day I’ll always remember. Her kindness, sense of humor, and our similar interests help strengthen our great friendship. She has been there for me when no one else has been and she is one of the few people who can see the flaws in me and still smile. I feel lucky having her in my life and being able to share memories with her. I'll always be there for her, as she's been there for me. She may not know it, but she showed me there still are good people in the world.