my life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on the 25th of August 2002, in Garden City hospital, Michigan, United States of America I was nine and a half pounds and 20 inches height
  • Salma

    My sister Salma was born on the 22nd of July 2005 she became my best friend because she was closest to me in age
  • Accident

    on September 2nd 2005 I got stitches at the top part of my lip ..... till this day you can see the marks
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    My first school I went to MIA (Michigan Islamic Academy)
  • Moving Countries 1

    Moving Countries 1
    On February 19th 2007 we moved from the United States to Jordan where I finished kindergarten
  • Moving Countries 2

    Moving Countries 2
    August 24th we moved again to United Arab Emirates where I started primary school .... I moved a lot during my life which effected my social life where i didn't make close friends being scared to move again and not being able to see them again
  • Bahrain

    In 2009 I moved to Bahrain where I finished primary school in ARKIS
  • School Transfer

    In 2012 I moved schools and went to AL Zallaq school to improve my Arabic skills and Islamic knowledge
  • RVIS

    I moved schools again on the 28th of August
  • Graduation

    I graduated from RVIS, class of 2021
  • University

    I went to university of Michigan where I studied chemical engineering
  • Graduating from University

    Graduating from University
    I graduate with honors from University of Michigan with a chemical engineering degree
  • Year off

    Year off
    Backpack through Europe with my sisters