I was born on January 29, 2003 in Rhode Island, USA. -
First time to go to Egypt
On this day, it was my first time to go to Egypt and fully live there. I don't really remember though as I was still 2 months old! -
My first word
I asked my mother, and she told me that my first word was Nat. I was trying to say my grandmother's name which is Nagat, but it turned out that way. -
Went to school
I went to Maadi Narmer school. I went there because my siblings were already there. I went to school earlier than most of the other children in my grade. -
My first dog
My first dog was a German Shepard called Rita. She was 4 months, she had brown eyes, and she lived in the garage with other dogs. -
I got bit by my dog
I got bit my dog Rita and it was a very huge cut. I went to open the garage thinking she was in her cage, but she wasn't, so I ran, and then she ran after me and bit me. I started bleeding really badly. https://www.languagetrainers.co.uk/blog/2013/09/11/fk-explaining-the-expletive/ -
I won a swimming competition
I did take swimming lessons and I was very skilled. I won first place in a swimming competition and I also lead my team to first place.
https://www.lancaster.gov.uk/salt-ayre-leisure-centre/salt-ayre-swimming-pool -
I moved to Canada
I had to leave Egypt and I moved to Ontario, Canada. It was a hard experience for me because I was still young and all my friends were in Egypt. -
Graduated from middle school
I was in Canada at the time, so that meant that there was a graduation from middle school and high school. I was very proud of my self because I got the math award and I was in the honors roll. -
I moved back to Egypt
I moved back to Egypt to go to high school. It was a tough experience for me because I had to settle into a new place and I had to enter a new school with a different system. Overall, it was very tough, but then I got used to it. http://www.electroniccigarettereview.com/smoking-on-planes/ -
I visited Mansourah
Even though I live in Egypt, I never really visited any place unique, so it was very exciting to visit Mansourah because it is a beautiful city and the people in it are very nice. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/288441551107990667/ -
I got to visit my second cousins for the first time
It was very cool because I got to see my second cousins for the first time. They are three girls and they live in the US, but they came to Egypt for a vacation. https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photos-cartoon-characters-hugging-d-render-image31060818 -
My grandfather passed away
This was one of the hardest days of my life that I have ever experienced. My grandfather was very close to me and he was always there for me when I needed him the most. http://www.fdyl.co.uk/rip-david-bowie/rip-david-bowie/ -
Go to Harvard University
My ultimate goal is to score well in the SATs and the ACTs so I can go to Harvard University. It is one of the best universities in the world and I want to experience the joy of going to it. I would like to study medicine. http://www.opportunitiesforafricans.com/20162017-harvard-academy-scholars-program-for-postgraduate-study-at-harvard-university-usa-fully-funded/ -
Open a medical facility
When I graduate from university and get my masters and Phd, I would love to open a huge medical facility and have a section for low income people and I would treat them for free. http://www.monoxy.com/medical-facility-remodeling-dallas.php -
Travel the World
One of my ultimate life goals is to travel the world. I would like to have 100 stamps on my passport. I really want to travel to Haiti and the Bahamas. http://amfilpassport.blogspot.com.eg/2010/03/third-passport-stamps.html -
Marry and have kids
Another one of my goals is to marry and have kids. I would like 2 kids, a boy and a girl. I want them to have a good relationship with one another. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/what-and -
Learn Spanish
One of other goals is to learn Spanish. I have always loved the language and how it sounds, so I want to tale lessons in it and become a fluent speaker. http://datos.elespanol.com/elecciones-catalanas/ -
Go see a Barcelona match
I love Barcelona, so I would like to travel there and see one of their matches. My favorite player is Iniesta and Sergio Roberto. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/2t7e5a/match_thread_fc_barcelona_vs_atl%C3%A9tico_de_madrid/ -
Buy a Range Rover
One of my dream cars is a Range Rover, So in the future, If I have enough money, I will buy it in the color silver. https://www.landrover.co.uk/index.html -
Grow up surrounded by a big family
When I grow up to be old, I want to be surrounded by all of my family members like my kids and my grandkids, because they're the key to any kind of happiness. https://www.shutterstock.com/search/large+family