My Life

  • Born

    This is when my mom gave birth to me.
  • First Day Of Elementary

    First Day Of Elementary
    I was really nervous and was just about to begin school.
  • Balarat

    This is when I was in 5th grade and took a trip to the mountains.
  • Moved to a house

    Moved to a house
    This was the frist time we moved into a house and not a trailer or apartment.
  • Began Middle School

    Began Middle School
    I began start middle school and got out of elementary.
  • Grandma Lost

    Grandma Lost
    My grandma was lost and we went to look for her.
  • Vacation to Califormia

    Vacation to Califormia
    I went on vacations with my family.
  • Dog Died

    Dog Died
    This is when my only dog I had ever had died.
  • Trip To Costa Rica

    Trip To Costa Rica
    I went to Costa Rica for a class trip, and went to the beach, ziplining, etc. I was in 6th grade.
  • Mexico and Texas

    Mexico and Texas
    For spring break, I went to mexico with my grandparents and texas to see my aunt and cousins.