My Life

By itsKK
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development and Birth

  • First Heart Beat

    First time my heart was seen beating on a Ultrasound.
  • First Movement

    This was the first time my mother could feel me move.
  • Period: to

    First Two Years

  • Biosocial

    Began to crawl, also began to interact with others.
  • Cognitive

    Understood sentances, could start to make very simple sentances.
  • Physcosocial

    Began to fell what it meant to trust. knew that my mother had my best interest in mind
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Biosocial

    Made my first best friend. She is still my best friend today. I also realized what it means to have a friend.
  • Cognitive

    Started Pre-school
  • Physcosocial

    My Grandfather got cancer. I started to understand what death is.
  • Period: to

    School Years

  • Cogintive

    First real report card. I started to understand what it meant to study. Learned to read books that had chapters around this time as well.
  • Biosocial

    Develped a large group of friends fo the first time. Learned and saw what bullying was.
  • Physchosiacial

    Lost my grandfather to a battle with cancer. really started to understand what it meant to see someone you love die.
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial

    First boyfrind, which led to first kiss.
  • Physchosocial

    Started to wonder why we were here. Began to questions my familys values for the first time.
  • Cognitive

    Graduated high school, decided collge was my best option and enrolled at Schoolcraft.
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood

  • 21st birthday

    Have a wild party for turnign 21 and realize how great my life is.
  • Biosocial

    Moved out of my parents house for good. I will be moving in with my boyfriend.
  • Cogintive

    First job in the real world. I got a job in communications which I love.
  • Physchosocial

    My mother dies in a car accident. It is the roughest experiacne of my entire life. I go through a horrible depression.
  • Period: to


  • Biosocial

    Marry the man of my dreams. Start our life together which includes working on a family.
  • Physchosocial

    Have my first child. It is a girl who I will name after her Grandmother that she will never meet.
  • Second child

    I give birth to a healthy boy who we name after his father.
  • Marriage Problems

    My husband and I seek conseling to save our marriage and it works.
  • Cogintive

    Switc my career. Go back to school to learn how to teach.
  • Cognitive

    Retire, but keep trying to expand my knowledge so I don't get slow in my old age.
  • Period: to

    Late Adukthood

  • Biosocial

    Renew my wedding vows for all of my kids and grand kids.
  • Physchosocial

    My death