My birthday
The world changed this day, it was the day Billal was born. -
Period: to
Billal's Life
Become a Pokemon trainer
Capture a wild pokemon from the jungles and train it in the art of battleing other pokemon and recieve all of the badges that are obtainable -
Be A yugi yo dueler
Collect all the egyptian god cards and defeat any other dueler in my path to take over the yugi yo world -
Meet Megan Fox
Go to the Transformers preimere date and meet the Actress, MEgan Fox and engage in a conversation with her and obtain her cell phone number in order to go into a deeper relationship with her -
Drive a car
Drive a car as an underage to get the thrill of being free, a teenager, and being cool -
Meet Kim Kardashian
Meet with Kim Kardasian, the reality tv star, and obtain business advice as well as her phone number to start a closer more affectionate relationship with her as well as keeping the one held previously with Megan fox, the tv star. -
Meet Derrick Rose
Meet Derrick Rose, the youngest MVP in NBA league history, and obtain his autograph as well as basketball advice, and become great friends with him in order for him to invite me to more Bulls games -
Get a Job
Get a job wherever, so I save money and spend on my ladies Megan and Kim. Also getting a job will give me experience as a worker in the world. -
Graduate High School with Good Grades
In order for me to go to a good college it is neccesary for me to get good grades so i can get accepted to a variety of colleges, also getting good grades will make my parents happy. -
Go To a Good college
Attend a good college that when i graduate will boost my career. Also i need to find a college that will be a perfect fit for me. -
Get a Degree in either Politicalscience or Chemistry
Going into college my goal is to come out with a degree in either chemistry or political science, my two passions. -
Graduate College
After all the hardwork done in college, their will come the time were i will have to deprat from my college and move forward onto starting my career. -
FInd a good Job
Find a good job witha good starting salary so i can chill and take care of myself as well as others that need the help. -
Become either a lawyer or a doctor
My passion is to help people, and i want to do it as either a lawyer or a doctor. -
Open A business
Open a business in which I am the boss and in which i make a lot of money, but i don't want to scam people and i want to sell a product that everyone will want -
Get Married
Once a find the right girl,which are not Megan Fox nor Kim kardashian, they were just for fun, after I find the Right girl i will marry her -
Have Ten Kids
IN order to spread my legacy i will have ten children and make sure they are good kids or else i'll disown them -
Open a Restuarant
Food, has always been one of my many passions, and as a restuarant i want to my favorite foods and make sure that my customers love my food -
Send my Kids to college
I want all of my childeren to have a good education and i want them to go to college and become succesful, and i feel that it would be my responsibility as their father to send them to college and pay for their schooling -
Travel the World
As all of my chiilderen will be in college I want to travel the world with my wife and see all the sights the world has to offer -
Donate Money
After seeing all the poverty around me I want to donate much of the money i have to the people who need it more than I do -
Their will come a time when i too will become to old to work so in that sence i would like to retire and spend more time at home than at work -
Spend Time with my Grandchildren
Hopefully by now i will have grandchildren and by this time i will like to spend much of my time with them and I would cerish every moment with them -
Leave a will
Instead of having many disputes i would like to leave a will for my family and make sure than half of my money gets donated to chairty -
Discover somthing New
As i grow older and older i want to discover something new and something that has not been ever before discovered