
My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on this day.
  • First Steps

    First Steps
    I took my first steps.
  • Pre School

    Pre School
    I started my first day of pre school. "Dont remember the name" I dont remember much one thing I do remember laughing at a kid for eating crayons
  • Started kindergarten

    Started kindergarten
    I strted kindergarten at Lane Elementary. I made allot of friends who are still my friends today.
  • Started 1st grade

    Started 1st grade
    I started 1st grade.
  • 2nd grade through 5th

    2nd grade through 5th
    I went to Turner and during this time I was always playing on the playground with friends, and was in my first ever school play.
  • 4th grade

    4th grade
    I punched a kid, First time I got in trouble and I started crying, because I had to stay after school.
  • Finished 5th grade

    Finished 5th grade
    I finished 5th grade at Turner Elementary
  • Started School volleyball

    Started School volleyball
    I started school volleyball
  • I started 6th grade

    I started 6th grade
    I started 6th Bakemen. Was new so I had to start over and try to make friends. In my class I used to always laugh in class and get in trouble.
  • I started 7th grade

    I started 7th grade
    I started 7th grade and did my first big science fair project about plant life
  • School soccer

    School soccer
    I started school soccer
  • Startred My 8th Grade Year

    Startred My 8th Grade Year
    I started 8th grade
  • Graduation from 8th grade

    Graduation from 8th grade
    Graduation From 8th grade with honor role, and it was the first year that I had straight A's in my classes
  • Freshmen Year

    Freshmen Year
    I started my freshmen year. I was nervouse but also excited to be in high school.
  • Started my sophmore year

    Started my sophmore year
    Started my sophmore year. I was excited to be a sophmore because i felt cool.
  • Started my Junior year

    Started my Junior year
    Started my junior year
  • Started my senior year

    Started my senior year
    I Started my senior year
  • Started Frshmen year at Fresno city

    Started Frshmen year at Fresno city
    I started My Freshmen Year At Fresno City
  • My Goal At Fresno City

    My Goal At Fresno City
    My goal is to attend fresno city and take the classes that are needed for me to become a detective later in life
  • Senior Graduation

    Senior Graduation
    Senior Graduation. I had Finnaly made it through High School and was ready to Start my college life and persue my future carrer.