My birth date
I was born on December 22, 1999. My full name is Ashlie Marie Martz. I was born in Fort Wayne, IN at Parkveiw hospital. My mom was in labor for 20 hours. I was born at 3:06 pm. I had to stay two nights at the hospital because I had a fever. The doctors wanted to make sure everything was okay. My parents brought me home on Christams Eve. -
When my brother was born
On March 26, 2002 is when my baby brother was born. His name is Austin Michael Martz. He was born in Fort Wayne, IN at Dupont hospital. He was born at 7:54 P.M. I was 2 years old when he was born. When he was being born, I stayed at my grandparents house. After he was born, they took me to the hospital to see him. I was so excited because I got to hold him! -
First day of kindergarden
My teacher in kidergarden was Mrs. Pettigrew. Mrs. Egolf was her assistant teacher. I was in the P.M. class of kindergarden. I had 22 classmates. I remember that on the first day the class and I played the name game. We took the first letter of our name and tried to think of an animal that started with that letter. After that we colored coloring pages. It was the perfect first day of kinderegarden. -
First time going to Florida
My family and I went to Destin, Florida on a vacation in the summer of 2009. We went swimming a lot, and we even rented a kayak! We stayed in a very nice hotel and it had a beautiful veiw of the beach! My grandparents stayed in the nicest bedroom, they had the best veiw. They even had a jaquzie tub! One of the days we were there, the jellyfish were so bad I got stung 12 times! Another day we were there, there was a really bad storm. Other than those days that was a perfect first trip to Florida! -
First time at Camp Lutherhaven
Brein, Cora, and I all went to Camp Lutherhaven this summer. We stayed there for a week. I was sick on Tuesday, and I was very upset. I think I might have gotten food poisoning from the first night we ate there. One activity was really fun that we did there. It was called a trust activity. We would have to somehow get over a 6 foot high barrel without touching anything. It was very hard. Overall, it was the most enjoyable summer activity ever!