I was born.
A baby was born named Andrew. My mum obviously thought I was cute. I was the first and only baby boy in my family and I enjoyed this for many years. -
I learn to walk.
I take my first steps! This means that I have developed even more! -
The games begin!
The olympics come to Sydney in 2000. This is a very popular event as the olypics proves the best from the rest. -
The 2000 Sydney Olympics end.
One great Australian event ends. This was unfortunate as this created great publicity for Australia and was a great and fun event. -
I start pre school.
The year I started Pre-school This is a picture of me at about 5, which is the year that I finished pre school. It was definately two fun years of my life. -
I start primary school.
The year I started primary school. This year was important as this taught me a lot like math and others. I'm glad I did go to this school. -
I start dance school!
Although this only lasted a year, it was fun while it lasted. I did this with one of my friends, Michael Chan. -
I played my first competitive chess match.
Around this time I played my first opponent in a competitive chess match. Although I didn't win, it's still important to me as this started my love for chess. -
My first trophy!
I am awarded with a trophy for dancing. You can see this trophy and my three medals in the picture. The three medals are for chess, one runners up and two for winning. -
John Howard lost the election!
Kevin Rudd beat the long running John Howard. This was an emotional event John Howard as he was in the seat of the prime minister for a long time! -
I win my first chess competition!
I also join the chess club for the rest of my primary school experience. This encouraged me to be more involved with school activities. -
I learn Ju-Jitsu.
I start doing Ju-Jitsu. This only lasted for the next few years, but it was worth it. I had to stop because I got arthritis. -
Our first female prime minister!
After Kevin Rudd was sacked, Julia Gillard replaced him and won the following election. This stopped Tony Abbot in his tracks and now Julia Gillard will continue to be the Prime Minister for the next few years -
I get arthritis.
I get arthritis and I am rushed to hospital. This is a diagram of it. It is a painful and horrible thing to happen, especially when you're as young as me! -
I finish Primary school.
I finished primary school this month or December. This picture is a photo of our principle, Mrs Williams. -
Floods hit Queensland!
With this happening, the land needed support. This caused a huge disaster and many died. They did get support and this happened around Christmas. -
I start highschool.
I start highschool at Marist college Eastwood this year -
I go to camp!
I stay at camp for the next 3 days. -
My 13th birthday!
I am 13 and a teenager from now on. This was a great event for me. I felt on top of the world. I can't wait until I become a young adult. I am also looking forward to University, where I'll study everything I need to study to become a game designer, musician or a graphics designer. -
I join Marist chess club.
I join chess club. I am currently in about eighth out of thirty people. Ths is a pretty good position as it means that I am currently in the second best team.