My life

  • The day of birth

    The day of birth
  • Period: to

    Life and beyond

  • life in the fast lane (older brother fun starts)

    life in the fast lane (older brother fun starts)
  • NEW YEAR (21st Century)

    NEW YEAR (21st Century)
  • Period: to

    School Years

  • 1st Grade

    1st Grade
  • Maineville to Loveland

    Maineville to Loveland
  • Teen years begin

    Teen years begin
  • End of 8th grade and junior high

    End of 8th grade and junior high
  • The start of Freshman year

    The start of Freshman year
  • trip to disney with Marching Band

    trip to disney with Marching Band
  • End of SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    End of SENIOR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Search for job or go to colledge

    Search for job or go to colledge
  • Start of mission

    Start of mission
  • Period: to

    Mormon mission

  • End of mission and go enjoy a few days off visiting my family.

    End of mission and go enjoy a few days off visiting my family.