My life

By marabel
  • Birth

    On a sunny and hot afternoon, after a long labour, I was born in Lomas de Zamora with 3kl 200.
  • Baptism

    My parents decided to baptize me in the new apostolic church when I turned one year old. They told me I was very happy to see so many people. I gurgled and carried on during the whole ceremony and everybody was very amused. After church, my parents invited all their relatives to my home for a celebration.
  • kindergarden

    My first day of kindergarden was an anxious day for me. I met my new classmates and I didn't have any problems with my new teachers.I loved the new experience. My parents and my aunt couldn't believe how well I adapted to my new school.
  • Primary School

    When I started primary school in 1998,both my parents were working, so my grandmother, Juana took me to school.There I was happy to see all my schoolfriends from kindergarden.
  • Started English Lessons

    After learning how to read and write, my mother decided that it was time for me to learn a foreign language that could be useful for my future. I started with a teacher near my house who introduced me into this fantastic world, and after a few years,I went to Oxford Institute where I am still studying.
  • Secondary School

    Secondary School
    In 2006, I started Secondary School. this was the most dramatic experience in my life. I could never adapt to my new classmate0s and that made me want to change schools many times.
  • My first job

    With only sixteen years of age, my English teacher introduced me into the world of teaching little kids. For me, it was one of my best experiences where I learned lots of skills, but always with the support of my teacher who helped me a lot. In this period I knew that I wanted to be an English Teacher.
  • Teaching Training College

    Teaching Training College
    After some personal problems, In 2010 I thought it was time to start a carreer. I couldn't find the appropiate place until one of my English teachers called Andrea, recommended me the ISFD Nº35. I didn't know where it was but fortunately it was near my house, so I didn't have to travel a lot. In February I sat for the entrance exam and I passed with one of my best marks ever. I'm still completing my teaching training and still enjoying it. I'm sure the choice of career was the right one for me.