I born in...
I was born in a hospital in Barcelona on February 18, 1999 -
my first word
my first word was "papa" in catalan -
my personal catalan
my parents understand what I said, but also invented many of the words I saied. -
primary shool
with 3 years old i started the primary school in "El Turonet" I remeber the teachers speaks me in catalan, the firsts years was very funny. -
catalan and spanish
with 5 years old, The teachers speaks me in two lenguages, spanish and catalan. I had very problems with the two lenguages. -
New lenguage: English
with 6 years old, in my school has started to learn English. The firsts 4 years I had many problems with English -
We travelled to france and there I discovered a new language. french are incomprensible for me at these year. I currently don¡t understand french -
Secondary school
I started the secondary school and I tried frech as optional class.I was very badly and I suspended two courses. The secondary school was more difficult than primary school! -
Bye french
as a result of my notes at French, I decided to erase me. I retrieved French with a dossier. -
In the actuality I speak 3 lenguages. Catalan, Spanisg and English. I have problems with english now, I have problems with the verbs in passat!