Bandera catalunya

My learning language timeline

  • When I was born

    When I was born
    I was born in 2002, the 26th of Desembre, in Terrassa
  • My first word

    My first word
    When I was 1 year, i say my first worl that is Mapa, that's a mix of papa and mama
  • First of primary

    First of primary
    I lear, catalan, spanish, and English
  • Dance in liceo

    Dance in liceo
    When i have 10 years old, i did a show about the " dia internacional de l'infancia". I dance in a school in Sabadell, and 8 of may in 2012, with my friends of the shool, we danced there and was fabulous.
    In event's liceo most of the peeople who were there talk english, and I could talk in English
  • My first play in the theatre

    My first play in the theatre
    The short play was in english, shurely I talk 3 times but I think , i was, nervous since, i was near the stage and i stared have a stomach ache. But the play was perfect!
  • NYC

    Before we went to California we went to Nyc 1 day, for visit the city, and i love all of this city
  • Travel to California

    Travel to California
    The summer 2014, i went to California with my sister and my mum, we did de 101 tour, it's very very beautiful. I think it's the best travel i have did.
  • First day in a high school

    First day in a high school
    My first date in "ies sant quirze" i was nervous but i was having fun , and i like very much the teachers, was my first day learning french
  • My first class of Français

    My first class of Français
    In first of ESO i star doing French but this year i don't do french because I don't like it

    I went with teachers and my friends to Montpeller one week ,very intens week, i learn and at the same time I have very fun .