My language learning timeline

By Marc.G
  • My birth

    My birth
    This day I was born.
  • Time to begin the nursery

    Time to begin the nursery
    When I was 1 year and a half, I began to go to "El Picarol Blau"
  • My firsts words

    My firsts words
    When I was 2 I said my first words: "papa" and "mama"
  • I start primary

    I start primary
    When I was 3 years old I started P3 at "11 de setembre"
  • I win Sant Jordi's contest for the first time!

    I win Sant Jordi's contest for the first time!
    At 2nd of rpimary, I worte an history about a water drop who travelled and visited different places.
  • I go to my first English academy

    I go to my first English academy
    The fisrt English academy I went was called "TEK", but I just spent 1 year there because I didn't like the way things worked there
  • I win Sant Jord's contest again

    I win Sant Jord's contest again
    This time the story was about a fire that almost burned down accidentally a whole house, but thanks to the help that everyone who lived in the neighborhood it was extincted
  • The second English academy, FIAC

    The second English academy, FIAC
    I had heard that FIAC was a good academy, so I tried there. But I had problems there, too. I spent there between 6-7 months, until I found the academy where I am still studying
  • Elms School, the 3rd academy

    Elms School, the 3rd academy
    As soon as I began learning English there, my marks started to rise higher and higher, making the time when I couldn't understand anything seem another life, I've spent moreless 5 years there, so far.
  • Last time I win the SJ contest

    Last time I win the SJ contest
    That was the last time I won the contest in primary, the story was about time travelling
  • I finish the primary

    I finish the primary
    I finished the primary at 11 de setembre and it was time to head to the secondary at high school
  • I start learning french

    I start learning french
    I begin the secondary and with it, the french lessons.
  • I get the second place in SJ's contest at 2nd Eso

    I get the second place in SJ's contest at 2nd Eso
    This story involved time travelling too, the protagonist accidentally travelled to the roman empire and chhanged the future. I remember getting angry because I hadn't enough space to develop my story.