My Journey To Discovering Media Throughout The Years

By ynacz

    Year 2011, I started Kindergarten and I was six years old that time. One time, I had really bad stomach ache and they contacted my mother through telephone that was in the canteen. It was the first time I saw one and I was amazed.

    By this time, it was hard keeping in touch with our relatives in the province. We can't visit them yearly due to short of time and money. The keypad cellphone was a big help to at least contact them once or twice a week (as signal in our province was also poor), and I can tell that even though through messages and calls, my mother and relatives are happy enough to hear each others' voices and stories.

    I think everyone will agree that television was enough keeping us entertained, kids or adults. It containing various channels and topics makes it versatile and really efficient to use as a source of entertainment.

    My mom usually is the one handling and looking out for the store of my aunt (that is abroad at that time). When the store gets too quiet, that it makes you want to nap, turning on the radio is one of the things that entertained mom. Not just about listening to news but also to music and different gigs such as story telling etc.

    As I mentioned, my aunt was an OFW at this time, and a tablet is what she had given me as a christmas and recognition gift. I was super happy and ecstatic as I had my first own gadget. I bombarded it with games the first time though.

    Considering I am already in the 5th grade, I was active in my school, helping and participating in the events that were held. Due to this, my mom gave me her phone to me to keep her updated while she used her old phone the keypad one. It was convenient and I was happy I could update my mom about my whereabouts.

    As I started getting more involved with school matters, it was an essential for me to know how to work a laptop. I learned how to edit on MSWord, as well as know different social media platforms for easier and cheaper way of communication.

    I studied junior high school in Navotas National High School, and by the time I was in 7th grade, there are donated Smart TVs that we were able to use for school. I was astonished by how television evolved through out the time and I can say that its versatility now is an efficient work of innovation of media and technology.
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    The things that enumerated are still the ones I encountered and used up until now. Even though I had seen many work of technology that are new to my eyes, its still a mystery to me how those work. I hope, in the future, I will be able to not just use these media but also a part of its innovation, as I like helping people to ease their lives, its also an honor to create something new and convenient for everyone.