
My Journey to America

  • Birth

    When my mother gave birth to me on this day, it was very unsanitary. The proper tools and doctors weren't present, so she almost died. I grew up with a poor family, and the filth just worsened. I got sick a lot from the bacteria that was all around us. We lived in a run down shack that insects easily got into. We hope to gain new job opportunities, and get out of poverty. I want to inform others on our hardships, and success.
  • Death and Marriage

    Death and Marriage
    My parents died of pneumonia on this day. It was very tragic, and I didn't know what to think of it at the time. I knew I was on my own now. Since I had never met any other relatives. This same year, I decided to get married. Her name is Ella Denton, and I've known her for a couple years now. Being unemployed started becoming a huge problem. With the little money my parents had left behind, we decided to go to New York for a better life.
  • The journey over

    The journey over
    We packed up the little clothes and belongings we had, and got prepared for the ship ride to America. It would take approximately 2 weeks to arrive. When we got onto the ship, I noticed there was much diversity. People from all over the place, and different religions. We didn't get much to eat, and it was very crowded. With so many people, it got dirty and foul odors spread on the ship.
  • The Arrival

    The Arrival
    After a tiring 2 weeks on the ship, many people had gotten ill. However, my wife and I had gotten lucky, and only suffered from a mild cold. As the Statue of Liberty appeared, everyone shouted and cheered of joy. We embraced each other, and realized how lucky we were to have this opportunity. The doctors went around to check health. It took a couple hours for our turn, but he let us pass. Tears streamed of joy and happiness for our future. Although, there were many who got sent home.
  • Adjusting

    We have adjusted to the new surroundings America offers. Everything is so busy in New York, and there are a lot of people. Many skyscrapers tower over our heads. Our new apartment is much better than our shack in London. I work to build new skyscrapers, which is a very dangerous job. There are no harnesses to catch you if you fall. We work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. My wife often worries about my safety, and says I should find a different job. However, this is the best paying job.
  • Different

    Life has been treating us well, because we are able to afford food, and a roof on our heads. However, ever since we've been here, I've felt like an outcast. People look at you differently, and don't seem to approve of you. I suspect it's because with so many immigrants, there aren't as many job opportunities. I got into an argument yesterday, with one of the workers. He thinks the boss should pay us less, since we haven't been working as long. The boss almost fired us after we got into a fight.