The past, present and future

  • I was born at 8:14 am, and was 9lbs 11oz and 20inches long. My birth weight was considered to be in the 90th percentile - Biosocial development

    I was born at 8:14 am, and was 9lbs 11oz and 20inches long. My birth weight was considered to be in the 90th percentile
  • Period: to

    Birth to 2 years

  • I was placed in daycare at six months old and created secure attachment with my mother - psychosocial development

  • At 10 months old I took my very first steps and was also saying 4 words -mama, dada, baba, and dog - cognitive

  • Period: to

    Early childhood

  • My first day of preschool was when I was 3 years old, - cognitive

  • my parents divorced, and changed my life forever - psychosocial

  • At age 6, I was finally old enough and had enough skills to be on my first cheer team - biosocial

  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • I took my first trip to Cedar Point because I was finally 48 inches tall - biosocial

  • my father developed epilepsy, which was life altering - psychosocial

  • first day of middle school - cognitive

  • Period: to


  • My cousin Samantha got hit by a drunk driver and passed away - psychosocial

  • lost my virginity to who i now call my husband - biosocial

  • received a 22 on my ACT - cognitive

  • First day of college - cognitive

  • Period: to

    Emerging adulthood

  • found out i was pregnant - biosocial

  • Gave birth to my daughter, Ava Marie Nelligan - biosocial/psychosocial

  • married the love of my life

  • graduated from ross medical school as an MA, and obtained a job at University of Michigan hospital - cognitive

  • started nursing school -cognitive

  • Period: to


  • graduated from nursing school - cognitive

  • my second child is born - biosocial

  • my first grandchild is born - psychocosial

  • menopause started/midlife crisis - biosocial

  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

  • travel the world with my family - psychosocial

  • diagnosed with alzhiemers disease -cognitive

  • death -biosocial