I was born in england 1848. My dad does not live with my family anymore because he left when i was younger i do not remember him but i have seen pictures. It is me, my mom, and my little brother Timmy. My childhood was rouf but we still found ways to have fun. We are planning a trip to america because we are told there are many jobs there. We want money and to not be judged for our past. Me and my mother were arested because we stole medicine and food for my litle brother. -
I was screamed at for taking a white mans job, i was told i was worthless and i was just a lower standerd. I learned i get paid less then the whites do. Alot less... -
The neighbors are practically cheering when we head out our door to leave for the boat. When we were walking to the boat my mom told me that she only had 2 tickets for the trip. I had told her that she had to come along i couldnt make it myself with timmy she told me that she was going all of us were i would just have to be a stow away on the ship that i would lay with the bagage.... -
We are here!
We got onto the boat extra early my mom distracted the boarding men so that i could sneek to the lugage room. I did that without them noticing and we made it to america without trouble. We have arived in new york city! -
fresh start
My mom has gotten a job and i have to! my little brother cant get one for a couple more years now but thats ok... My mom got a rock thrown at her one her first day of work by a white man she had marks on her arms people are very cruel here and they dont even know anything about our past. My boss is very hard on me he pushes me to my limit and its not fair he doesnt do that to the white workers why me? -
Its a rough life in america i have gotten used to it here but my mother has passed and its just me and my brother i have found a woman and i married her so has my brother i was reallly sad here but now i seems like everything will be alright for us....