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My Jewish Growth Timeline

  • First grandchild is born!

    First grandchild is born!
    I was the first grandchild born on either side of the family. Everyone was very excited and I was blessed to be named after my grandfather, Saltiel, who survived the round ups in Thessaloniki during the Holocaust
  • Associated Hebrew Day School

    I attended Associated Hebrew day school from grades 1-8
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    Elementary School at Associated Hebrew Day School

    I attended Associated Hebrew day school from grades 1-8. Associated is a traditional but pluralistic day school in Toronto. It was here that I made life-long friendships and learned foundational Hebrew that helped me later on in life
  • At the age of 6 (or 7) I visit Israel for the first time

    This trip is what I believe to be an essential part of my Jewish identity and connection to Israel. I grew up learning about places I had actually visited, which made learning about Israel all that much more engaging.
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    The Camp Ramah Years

    I began attending Camp Ramah in Canada after 4th grade and continued there as a staff member for another 2 years
  • My Bat Mitzvah

    A month and half before my bat-mitzvah my grandmother (my mom's mom) passed away. She had lived with us for a few years and I was extremely close with her. It was a very sad time for my family. My mom decided that my bat-mitzvah should not be canceled, and I believe she was write to do that, as I was so proud to have my celebration in honour of my grandma's life.
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    High School at Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto

    I attended a pluralistic 'community' Jewish day school for high school. Socially I wasn't very happy, but I enjoyed the Jewish learning I had there. I studied Talmud and Jewish philosophy, attended Shabbatons and created relationships to last a lifetime.
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    BA at York University

    It was in University that I really came into my own and developed an adult sense of Jewish identity. I was active in Israel activism on campus and in the university Jewish community
  • Attend the Annual General Meeting of Jewish Federations of North American

    Attend the Annual General Meeting of Jewish Federations of North American
    As active students on campus we were invited to attend the GA in New Orleans and volunteer with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild homes for those who lost everything during Katrina.
  • Volunteer trip with Hillel to Latvia and Lithuania

    Volunteer trip with Hillel to Latvia and Lithuania
    I participated in a partially funded volunteer trip working with Jewish communities in Latvia and Lithuania. I was unprepared for the richness of the Jewish history left behind, and the devastation the Holocaust caused there.
  • Jewish Acapelooza in New York

    Jewish Acapelooza in New York
    For 3 of my 4 years in university I was part of a Jewish accapella group on campus. We were invited to participate in a competition in New York.
  • Birthrite

    I had the privilege to join in a birthright trip with other Canadians from across the country. One of the most inspiring moments was when on participant told us that he had found out he was Jewish earlier that year and decided to go on this trip to explore his Jewish identity. I had the privilege of lighting Chanukkah candles with him for the first time in his life
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    Life in Israel

    A few months after university ended I made my way to Israel with the goal of joining the IDF and serving my country.
  • Drafting to the IDF

    Drafting to the IDF
    I served for a year and a half in the Iron Dome unit of the IDF. I was a medical administrator working with the doctor to make sure the soldiers in our unit received proper and consistent medical care. (pictured is me and a good friend who came to visit )
  • I begin dating my now fiancee

    I begin dating my now fiancee
    We were friends since we had both moved to Israel but only towards the end of our army service did we finally have time for each other! (Army relationships are tough)
  • My little cousin Hannah visit Israel while I am still serving in the army

    My little cousin Hannah visit Israel while I am still serving in the army
    at the age of 6, Hannah gets to visit Israel. Together we explore Masada, Beit Guvrin. We visit and pray at the Kotel. We prepare for and celebrate Pesach together. She gets to meet my commander and see me in uniform. I am so honoured to be a part of her connection to Israel.
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    Masters through Hebrew College

    So far I have really found the program to be enriching and productive.
  • Adopting our dog

    Adopting our dog
    Through adopting our dog Milo we begin to explore the world of "tzar baalei chayim', a topic near and dear to my heart. Israel is overrun with stray dogs and the suffering is vast. To me this is a moral and religious issue.
  • Engaged!

    I think both our families are relived and excited that we found a Jewish partner. We are both excited to find someone who shares our attitude about Jewish life and wants a traditional but liberal home
  • Tiyul Shorashim in Greece

    Tiyul Shorashim in Greece
    My grandfather, born in Thessaloniki, Greece refused to be rounded up with the other Jews in Elefteriah square. He ran away despite his fathers wishes and survived the Holocaust. The Jews of Thessaloniki numbered over 50,000 before the Holocaust, now there are less than 1000 Jews remaining in the city. The history of the Jews of Greece is unique and untold due to the large number of Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust.