My Internet Experience

  • Introduction

    High school library taught me how to use the internet for searching information and emailing others.
  • limited use

    limited use
    The first year of marriage, we purchased a Gateway computer image taken from
  • Yahoo Chat

    Yahoo Chat
    I learned how to navigate the chat rooms and thought it "cool" to communicate with others from around the world. I made my first "internet" friend. A girl named Sam from Florida.
  • My Space

    My Space
    I joined my space and could add pictures, messages, and create colorful backgrounds for my "profile".
  • Facebook

    My 65 year old friend from church camp introduced me to Facebook. I can keep in touch with my family from Colorado.
  • Ohio University

    Ohio University
    I obtained a Bachelor's in Nursing online from Ohio University. Image taken from
  • Marshall University

    Marshall University
    I began working toward earning a Masters in Nursing online from Marshall University image taken from
  • Now

    I am learning more about Google Classroom, Moodle, and Blackboard learning platforms as my desire is to teach in the BSN program of Marshall University.