My Immigration Story

By admode1
  • Iraq

  • Left my house to go to north Iraq.

    North Iraq
  • Stayed at cousins in North of Iraq for a while.

    Stayed at cousins in North of Iraq for a while.
    North Iraq
  • Got to Turkey and applied

    Got to Turkey and applied
    Kirsehir, Turkey
  • Found an apartment to live in until we are allowed to go to America

  • Were called for our first meeting. Two days before my birthday.

    Were called for our first meeting. Two days before my birthday.
  • Got called for our second meeting

    Got called for our second meeting
  • Were told our date that we left.

    Were told our date that we left.
    Istanbul to Turkey
  • Got called for the third and final meeting

    Got called for the third and final meeting
  • The date for us to leave.

    The date for us to leave.
    Istanbul to Chicago
  • Got to U.S.

    Got to U.S.