
My imigration to the USA

  • Birth-childhood

    Chinese City list My name is Kion Wong and I was born in Shanghai china. I grew up in poverty because Shanghai is very populated. I grew up on the streets because of our poverty. Dreams of moving to america have always been in my familys mind.
  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
    More info on angel islandMe and my older sister arive in angel island. We have arrived from china. Once we arrive me and my sister are seperated. We undergo inspection and we are forced to live in bad conditions. Almost like prison, After severl months on angel island I recive news that my sister has died. She has dies because of an unknown desiese. Right as I got the horrible news i found out that I was aproved to move to america. The only problem is, I have no were to go.
  • Boss Tweed

    Boss Tweed
    Soon after leaving angel island I was met with a problem, i didnt have anywere to live. After a few days of living on the street i met a man. He offerd me a skyscraper building job and a place to stay. He also gave me a hot meal. I asked what I could do to repay him and all he said was to vote for boss tweed during the election. Now I live alone in a tiny apartment, But it's better than nothing.
  • My new skyscraper job

    My new skyscraper job
    I am greatful for my new skyscraper building job. It was very scary but after awile you will get used to it. I get paid less that the other workers but I don't mind because i can live off the money I make. A few days ago 3 workers fell off and died. Im happy it wasnt me that fell.
  • Evicted to the slums

    Evicted to the slums
    After a few years of living in a little home, the price of rent went up. I couldn't afford the rent so i was evicted. I now live in the slums were there is rotten filth, and criminals. I am adapting to the change but the other day i was robbed by a fat man with a gun. Life here is hard but I am adapting.
  • I strike it rich!

    I strike it rich!
    After a few years of living in the slums, i resort to crime. But today it wasnt an average mug, i got very lucky. I tried to mug a man and he gave up right away. He handed me all his money. He just happen to be carrying 600 dollars! The gun was well worth the 12$ renting fee.