• Drawing

    I started to really get into drawing at a very early age, I remember wasting at least 10 sheets of paper on it every day.
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    I started taking private piano lessons, but it didn't went well and I gave up 2 years later.
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    During that period I was fond of diffierent types of handcrafting, I would always make presents with my own hands.
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    Swimming was one of my big passions, however at some point I simply lost interest in it.
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    [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9IPv9d3wxk] What at first seemed to be a hard instrument to master now is my most important posession.
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    [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LLgDYhVsug] As a big part of my life, choir brought me a lot of amazing opportunities and helped me find true friends. I participated in a choir in my music school, at the same time I was a part of The Children's Choir of Russia for 1 year and sang at the Olympics in 2014.
  • Fencing

    Fencing was definetly a fun experience, however I gave up because it became too agressive for me at some point.
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    Ballet was a lot of fun untill I started hitting puberty when other girls began picking on me. That was when I left.
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    I loved writing poems since I was a kid. I can tell that I've improved a lot and these days I started experimenting with writing poems in English.
  • Guitar

    The guitar for me was an amazing jourey that ended too soon. I really regret giving it up.
  • Music making

    One of my newest hobbies is music making and I'm still quite bad at it. I try to improve my skills really hard, because when it comes to writing and composing songs I have a ton of ideas, but unfortunately am lacking skills.
  • Drawing

    Over the last few months drawing has grown on me in a completely different way, becoming one of my favorite ways to spend time.
  • English speaking club

    English speaking club
    My favorite university club is Poboltaem? - an english speaking club, where I am one of the moderators.