My History with Reading

By StaciaW
  • "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"

    "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"
    My mom read to me when I was younger (roughly 3 or 4 years old) and Laura Numeroff's picture books still stick with me today.
  • Dr. Seuss

    Dr. Seuss
    My mom also read many Dr. Seuss books to both my sister and I. I would say I was around 4 or 5 at this time. I believe these were also the books I read a lot personally when I first learned to read!
  • Berenstain Bears

    Berenstain Bears
    My brother and I always read and bonded over the Berenstain Bears books. I was 5/6 and my brother was 9/10. Perhaps it was the silly sibling troubles the bears always got into!
  • Junie B. Jones

    Junie B. Jones
    The first 'big kid' books I can remember reading on my own would be Junie B. Jones books. I was 7 years old and was obsessed with them!
  • Little House on the Prairie

    Little House on the Prairie
    My mom saw how much I enjoyed reading when I was 8, so she gifted me "The Little House on the Prairie" series set!
  • More Series!

    More Series!
    Shortly after I finished my first series, my mom got me more for a birthday gift. I believe it was for my 8th or 9th birthday! Funny enough, I still have the "Girls of Harbor View" series on my shelf!
  • Raina Telgemeier

    Raina Telgemeier
    I never loved comics or graphic novels. At age 9 that all changed. When I read "Smile" by Raina Telgemeier, though, I loved it!
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    From "Smile", I began my quest onto "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books. I enjoyed these, but they are not high on my list. I was still 9 at this time.
  • The Giver

    The Giver
    I remember reading "The Giver" in 7th grade. I did not enjoy it to start off with, but as we read on I loved it! In fact, I have the book today!
  • The Selection Series

    The Selection Series
    This one is my favorite! In 8th grade I began a finished the three main books in The Selection Series.
  • More Selection Series

    More Selection Series
    In the latter half of freshman year, I was homeschooled. Thankfully a friend let me borrow the two final books in The Selection Series which is a look into the main characters kids' lives.
  • The Lord of the Flies

    The Lord of the Flies
    I believe in sophomore year I went back to public school. During this time, we read "The Lord of the Flies". A bit disturbing of a book but very intriguing.
  • Sadie Robertson

    Sadie Robertson
    While I worked at a daycare, I really enjoyed reading Sadie Robertson books during the kids' nap time! As a young adult at 18 years old, I related a lot to Sadie's words.
  • Madison Prewitt

    Madison Prewitt
    Shortly after I read all of Sadie Robertson's books, I found a similar style by Madison Prewitt. I read and received so much of what she had to write! Still being 18, I was able to relate to Madison!
  • History!

    I read lots of books of different genres at 18 years old. My favorite that year would be any book involving history! My favorite book outside of textbooks that involves history would be "Night" by Elie Wiesel.
  • Girl, Wash Your Face

    Girl, Wash Your Face
    For Christmas this year my mom spoiled me with many books. "Girl, Wash Your Face" was probably my favorite out of the many! As a 19-year-old, this too was a good read!
  • Laura Story

    Laura Story
    At 19 I experienced some sad times, but Laura Story's "When God Doesn't Fix It" helped me a lot!
  • "Pride and Prejudice"

    "Pride and Prejudice"
    At the end of 2022, I began reading "Pride and Prejudice". I have enjoyed it; however, the language is a bit much. It is a lot harder to take a break and easily jump right into this book. I have yet to finish it. I feel as if the girls are somewhat younger, but 19-year-olds (as I was here) are much different today!
  • The Selection Series...Again

    The Selection Series...Again
    At the beginning of this year, I took a couple of vacation days. I sat and read through 3 of the Selection Series books in one setting. From 8th grade to 19 years old, I am still a fan.
  • Murder Mysteries!

    Murder Mysteries!
    This past August, I was hooked on murder mysteries! I checked out and read 3 mystery books by Lisa Gardner while on a 4-day vacation! I had just turned 20 so it was a relaxing, book filled weekend!
  • Recently Finished!

    Recently Finished!
    Still being 20, the most recent book I have finished would be "A Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards. This was a very eye-opening book for me.
  • Education

    Along with many textbooks, I am starting a new read for school. "The Hundred Dresses" was assigned to me and so far, I am enjoying it! It may look a bit easy for a 20-year-old, but any good book is worth reading!
  • Book Sale!

    Book Sale!
    At a yard sale, I scored 22 books for $9! I was dreaming! The first book I am working on is "So Dark the Night" by Margaret Daley. I am only a few pages in, but I am already hooked! I think my mom is glad I read a lot because I could be doing much worse at 20-years-old!