My History

  • My Birth

    On this day, I blessed my parents with my birth. Unfortunately for my mother, I was born at 3:01 A.M. My parents were very happy to have me in their life. However, my brother was extremely disappointed, as he had to share the parental attention with another. My life was shaped by this, literally and metaphorically. From that day on, I have been showered with love and support.
  • Moving to Pennsylvania

    When I finished first grade, my parents decided to move our family to Pennsylvania to get us away from the busy city life. I lived in Chesterfield apartments, so I was in the Neshaminy school district. When the winter break came, we moved into our house in Levittown and I've been there since. I feel that I have been exposed to a better environment and a better education than what I would have in New York.
  • Meeting Angie

    On my first day in Emerson, I sat next to this girl who judged me for my Dora lunch bag. She's been my best friend ever since. Ever since that day, we have been inseparable. She spent a lot of her time with my family and still does today.
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    Softball Days

    I joined my first softball team in fifth grade. It became a big part of my life and was something I really enjoyed doing. I grew up in a baseball family, so my parents would come to every game or event that I had.
  • The Start of Middle School

    Starting middle school made me a different person. Even though we had a power outage for the first two days, I was still very excited. I learned to have a voice and not always be so quiet. I met many friends that I still have today.
  • My Dad's Death

    Seven days after summer vacation started, my dad had a unexpected heart attack. This really impacted my life and my growth. Ever since then, I've felt that there has been something missing in my life.
  • Starting High School

    As I got older, I had a growing sense of confidence. I came into high school with friends that loved me and who I still hold closely no matter what. I became "me," and I've been happy with who I've become ever since.
  • Meeting Josh

    I met Josh on 9/25/14, and we both told our best friends we were interested in each other. However we stopped talking until one day in May 2015, I sent him a weird picture. We've talked since then; I asked HIM on a date because he was afraid to do it. We started dating come June. I assume this was the moment I realized I wore the pants (just kidding.)
  • Acceptance to Holy Family

    I was accepted to my first choice school with a Dean's Award of $16,000. I was so ecstatic. I realized that this is the turning point of senior year - making my final college decision for where I would start going in the fall of 2017.
  • Graduation...So Close, Yet So Far Away...

    I CANNOT WAIT TO GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL. I feel like this is a major event in my life and it will truly shape who I am in the future. I will be going to school for my major, something that I've wanted to do since I was young. Also, I will be able to get a bit more sleep. My earliest class is 1030 A.M.