my history as a reader

  • Period: to

    Learning how to read

    Ages 5-7 I began learning how to read. I remember most books being read to me as I point at the words and pictures, only remembering the title of a few like "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" or "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed".
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Caule

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Caule
    I remember this being the most memorable book as a child. Read to me by my art teacher in elementary.
  • American Girl Books, Susan S. Adler

    These books were my favorite to read ages 8-10. I never had an American Girl doll but always loved the books.
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain

    This was one of the first books as a class I remember reading in Mrs. Harper's fourth grade class. She brought corn bread for us to eat.
  • Frindle, Andrew Clements

    I remember reading this in my fifth grade class with Mrs. Carnes. It was a a great book that made school fun as we got to make up our own words and put meanings behind them like the boy did in the book.
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    Book Club Read, Out of My Mind, Sharon M. Draper

    I joined a book club with my friend sometime in 5th grade and we read this book. I remember a distinct part where the old lady neighbor dips her hand in wax and the kid freaks out because they think she's boiling her hand in water.
  • Savvy, Ingrid Law

    This book was my favorite when I read it in 5th grade. I remember how much I loved it back then, as it was an adventures book about a girl receiving a special ability. I would imagine that happening to me.
  • City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau

    This was a post-apocalyptic book that was dying due to resources. It was such a good book and we read it as a class but I remember always reading ahead because it was so good.
  • The Outsides, S.E. Hinton

    I read this book for my 7th grade class. I have read it multiple times since and the movie is my favorite.
  • Why We Broke Up, Daniel Hadler

    I had to pick a book to do a box report of, It was a romance book in the first person and I remember loving it so much. It was a great book and I even bought a copy for myself to have.
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    Horror Book Era

    I cannot for the life of me remember what books I read but I do remember 8th grade through my freshman year I got into horror books and movies.
  • Reading died down...

    During my sophomore year I was going through a lot of medical stuff so I was missing a lot of school and did not have time or motivation to read.
  • To Kill A Mockingbird,Harper Lee

    This was my favorite book we read my junior year of high school. I loved the story and characters and always read ahead when I could.
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    Jane Austen Era

    Senior year I read a lot of Jane Austen and loved the book Persuasion. It was the first book of hers that really got me into her.
  • Covid killed my reading...

    Covid hit and school went all online. My motivation to read died and I spent a lot of time on social media.
  • Audio Books...Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

    During this time I got back into reading via audio books. I listened to Lord of the Rings...multiple times throughout the year.
  • The Collector, John Fowles

    This is my favorite book of all time. I love a good psychological horror and this had me nose deep in it. Fowles is a great writer.
  • Jane Ere, Charlotte Bronte

    Oh how I love Romance books.. and Bronte wrote this one well as it's on the top of my best reads.
  • Little Women, Louisa May Alcott

    This book I read because I loved the movie. It was amazing and even better than the movie. There's something I love about older books. They read so perfectly.
  • Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier

    I started this book in 2023 and finished it the very beginning of this month, January 2024. I read it with my boyfriend. It was pretty good, lots of twists and turns. And as I said, I love an older book.