My Hero Project Proccess

  • The beginning

    The beginning
    The first time I hear of the project.
  • Day Three

    Day Three
    I talk with some of my friends of the project.
  • Day Four

    Day Four
    Group talk. Im going to find out who Im going to research on
  • Day Five

    Day Five
    I go to the library and get three books
  • Gettin start

    Gettin start
    Read a little out of all of my books.
  • Day Seven

    Day Seven
    Its time to choose my book.
  • Day Eight

    Day Eight
    Trying to look for an article.
    Deciding to read "White Coat".
  • Delay in process

    Delay in process
    Soccer game for JV YAAAAAAAAY.
  • Day Ten

    Day Ten
    Making my first post on Posterous.
  • Blog post One due

    Blog post One due
    post turnt in
  • Day Twelve

    Day Twelve
    D.E.A.R, so I read
  • Day Fifteen

    Day Fifteen
    Turn in my second post
  • Second post due

    Second post due
    I got it turnt in.
    Get alot of reading done while stuck in library for about an hour and a half.
  • D.E.A.R

    Work on my timeline for first time.
  • Begin making interveiw questions

    Begin making interveiw questions
  • Interveiw my mom!

    Interveiw my mom!
  • Last day

    Last day
    due tommorrow:(